Junior Sheep Competition



Chair: Sarah Case

Sub-Committee: Melissa Emke, Shelley Barfoot-O'Neill, Jenean Lush, Shea O'Neill, Jim Young

Date: Saturday November 9, 2024

Time: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Location: Lower East Annex Show Ring

Showmanship Judge: Travis Dow, Metcalfe, ON

Conformation Judge: Ron Gates, Ridgetown, ON

Competition Information

Entry Deadline: Friday October 11, 2024

Entry Fee: $11.00 per youth participant

Arrival: Friday November 8, 2024, at 10:00 PM. Must be in place before Saturday November 9, 2024, at 7:30 AM.

Release: At conclusion of the show.

Exhibitors' Meeting: Saturday November 9, 2024, at 8:15 AM in the Lower East Annex Show Ring


  1. The 2023 Grand Champion Showperson and the exhibitor of the 2023 Grand Champion Lamb are ineligible to show in the 2024 Junior Sheep Show
    open to youth aged 9 - 21, as of January 1, 2024
  2. As with all RAWF Youth Acitivity events, 100% participation is expected by all participants.
  3. Entries shall be made online at www.royalfair.org via AssistExpo, RAWF's online entry system.
    Agriculture Show Office
    Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
    39 Manitoba Drive
    Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C3
  4. No artificial colouring or breed type alterations may be used on any portion of the animal.
  5. All animals entered must have only been shown by entrants at least once prior to the Junior Sheep Show in the year 2024. Animals registered in the junior show MUST NOT BE SHOWN IN THE 2024 ROYAL OPEN SHEEP SHOW. Entries must be a EWE Lamb, purebred or commercial born after January 1, 2024.
  6. All lambs must have a proper CSIP tag. CSIP tag numbers must be provided upon making entries and must match animal shown. Lambs without a valid and registered CSIP tag will not be permitted to show.
  7. The Royal will be following the CSBA tail length requirements. All lambs require a caudal fold that can be seen of felt.
  8. All sheep—including those exhibiting in the Breeding Sheep Show, Junior Sheep Show, Royal Sheep and Wool Ambassador Competition, and Market Lamb Show— will be reviewed by the Culling Committee. At the discretion of the Culling Committee and the RAWF, an official veterinarian appointed by the RAWF will conduct inspections for the presence of contagious and/or infectious diseases, as well as adherence to the Canadian Sheep Breeders Association (CSBA) tail length requirements. All sheep entered will require a caudal fold that can be seen or felt. A veterinarian will be directly assisting the committee during the culling. Any sheep deemed unfit for health reasons by the official veterinarian will be asked to leave the facilities immediately, however, Animals deemed not in compliance with CSBA tail length requirements will be disqualified from competition but not required to leave the facilities.
  9. All sheep shown in the Junior Sheep Show will be checked at 7:45 am, Saturday November 9, 2024, by the Culling Committee.
  10. All animals should arrive in show condition.
  11. All wool must be no longer than 1.5 inches or 3.8 cm of wool (exception – longwool breeds).
  12. A neat, tidy appearance is essential. BLACK SLACKS AND WHITE SHIRTS MUST BE WORN IN THE SHOW RING. Shirts will be provided. (NO NAVY OR GREY SLACKS OR BLUE JEANS WILL BE PERMITTED IN THE RING.) This does not apply to the Junior Costume Class.
  13. Halters may NOT be used while in the show ring unless permission is granted by the Junior Sheep Show committee prior to the show.
  14. The following breeds must be shown in short fleece (staple not more than 1.5 inches or 3.8 cm): Cheviot, Dorset, Hampshire, Oxford, Suffolk and Texel. From this date forward, all Shouthdown sheep shown in Ontario run competitions will be shorn approximately two weeks prior to competition and have a consistent length of wool over the entire body, with leg and head detailing left to the show person's discretion.
  15. SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES will be divided as follows (age as of January 1, 2024):
    1. Novice: 9 - 11 years old
    2. Junior: 12 - 14 years old
    3. Intermediate: 15 - 17 years old
    4. Senior: 18 - 21 years old
  16. CONFORMATION CLASSES: Classes will be offered for the following breeds (Any breed class with less than five (5) exhibitors will be shown in the AOB class):
    1. A.O.B. Long wool
    2. A.O.B. Short wool
    3. Cheviot
    4. Cross-Bred
    5. Dorset
    6. Hampshire
    7. Oxford
    8. Suffolk
    9. Southdown
  17. JUNIOR COSTUME CLASS: All children who are 5–8 years of age on or before January 1, 2024. Lambs must be shown on a halter.
  18. Ring Schedule: Showmanship classes will be first in the ring, followed by Conformation classes. First and second prize winners in the Showmanship classes will compete for title of Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Showperson. All first and second prize winners in the Conformation classes will compete for the title of Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Lamb.
  19. Classes may be split into heats or combined at the committee's discretion.
  20. The Junior Show welcomes out of province exhibitors. If you require a lamb to show, please contact entry@royalfair.org


Age as of January 1, 2024



Senior Showmanship

Ages 18 - 21


Intermediate Showmanship

Ages 15 - 17


Junior Showmanship

Ages 12 - 14


Novice Showmanship

Ages 9 - 11

Junior Costume Class



Junior Costume Class

Ages 5 - 8




AOB Longwool


AOB Shortwool
















Purebred Sheep Breeders of Ontario Banner

Presented to the Grand Champion Showperson

Mackinnon Livestock Banner

Presented to the Reserve Grand Champion Showperson

Purebred Sheep Breeders of Ontario Banner

Presented to the Grand Champion Lamb

Ontario Southdown Club Banner

Presented to the Champion Southdown Lamb in memory of Duncan Gates.

Southwest Ontario Oxford Breeders Banner

Presented to the Champion Oxford Ewe Lamb


Homestead Acres Suffolks Trophy (Perpetual)

Presented to the Champion Novice Showperson. Sponsored by Len & Barb Riebot

Benlock Livestock Challenge Trophy (Perpetual)

Presented to the Reserve Champion Novice Showperson. Sponsored by Darryl & Kim Hopkins

Brian Beath Challenge Trophy (Perpetual)

Presented to the Champion Junior Showperson

Growmark Challenge Trophy (Perpetual)

Presented to the Reserve Champion Junior Showperson

Young Associates Trophy (Perpetual)

Presented to the Champion Intermediate Showperson

Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Trophy (Perpetual)

Presented to the Reserve Champion Intermediate Showperson

Jack Wilson Memorial Challenge Trophy (Perpetual)

Donated in memory of Jack Wilson by Wanda Gray. Presented to the Champion Senior Showperson.

Bill Mactaggart Memorial Trophy

Donated in memory of Bill Mactaggart by his family. Presented to the Champion Suffolk Ewe.

Congratulations to our 2023 Champions!


Brock Bartlett, Strathallan Strudel 2L