Sheep Wool Ambassador Competition


Committee: Cindy Ayre, Lois James and Hannah Porteous

Date: Saturday November 9, 2024

Time: Approx. 30 minutes after conclusion of Junior Sheep Show

Location: Lower East Annex Show Ring

Competition Information

Entry Closing: Friday October 25, 2024.

Judge - Outfit: TBA

Judge - Control and Presentation of Animal: TBA

Judge - Presentation of Contestant: TBA

Master of Ceremonies: TBA

Competition Objectives

1. Present a sheep while displaying competency through industry showmanship standards
2. Enhance the image of Sheep Shows and the Sheep Industry
3. Support promotion of the wool industry

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Sheep must be yearling ewes or ewe lambs, conditioned, fitted and trained to show at halter. The Royal follows the CSBA tail length requirements. All lambs entered require a caudal fold that can be seen or felt.
  2. Except where otherwise noted, all rules for exhibiting sheep at the RAWF apply.
  3. Participants must have previously shown an interest in sheep and the sheep industry and be 14-21 years of age as of January 1st of the current year. This competition is open to contestants of all genders. As with all RAWF Youth Activity events, 100% participation is expected by all participants.
  4. Contestants are required to submit a short biography with their entry form. The biography template is included in this package after the entry form.
  5. Participants will be required to enter the ring at the same location, lead their sheep around the ring and line up according to the wishes of the judges.
  6. Previous winners of this class are ineligible for competition.
  7. Sheep must be stabled before Saturday, November 9, 2024– 7:30 am and may leave the premises at the conclusion of the show.
  8. Contestants will be required to make a 1-2 minute speech where they will answer one of the following question (Note: The Royal will indicate which question the contestant is to answer in their entry confirmation letter):
    1. What has been the impact of the sheep and wool industry on your life?
    2. How do you plan to be involved in the sheep and wool industry in the future?
    3. If given the opportunity, how would you market and promote the Canadian sheep and wool industry?
  9. Points will be awarded as follows:
    1. Outfit - 35 points *refers to the style of outfit selected. It should be complimentary to both individual and the class. The major portion of the outfit must be made of wool and the participant must furnish their own outfit.
    2. Control and Presentation of Animal - 25 points
    3. Presentation of Contestant - 40 points
    4. NOTE: 3 points will be deducted if the speech exceeds 2 and a 1/2 minutes.
  10. It is expected that all contestants will be able to share their ideas and generally discuss with the judges the following topics:
    1. General knowledge of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
    2. General information on Canadian agriculture and the Canadian sheep industry
    3. Any special interests or involvement in extracurricular activites such as 4-H, Junior Farmers, school or other rural clubs and organizations in their communities
  11. In the event that the 2024 winner is unable to compete their duties, the 1st runner up will be asked to carry out these duties.
  12. The winner of this class is expected to attend The Royal Sheep Show and The Royal Junior Sheep Show the following year to present awards.

Prize Money

All Other Contestants


The Albert and Reta Hunter Memorial Award (Annual)

This award is presented annually to the winner of this class by the family of the late Albert & Reta Hunter in thier memory as founders of the class.

The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Award

The winner will recieve a gift persented by the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers.

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Award

The winner will recieve a sash presented by The RAWF.

Ayre Award

A gift will be presented to the second prize winner by Cindy Ayre, Ashley and Curtis Dirscoll, Bowmanville, Ontario

Great Lake Sales Award

A gift will be presented to the third place winner by Great Lake Sales. Ridgetown, Ontario


Royal Sheep & Wool Ambassador Champion

Lauren Cowan, Innisfil, ON