Tuesday October 29, 2024. Cattle must be in place before Thursday October 31, 2024, at 8:00 AM
Move in - Tie Outs:
Tie outs will not be available until Monday October 28, 2024, after 8:00 AM.
Weigh Ins:
Refer to breed specific competition book
Move Out:
Refer to breed specific competition book
All electrical panels must remain clear of all items at all times. Hay and feed can be stored no closer than 1 foot around electrical panels.
All exhibitors who require parking for their trailer must provide details on the entry form so that The RAWF may appropriately allocate space for parking in 2024. Exhibitors are only guaranteed ONE trailer parking space. Exhibitors may request an additional trailer parking space at time of registration.
In 2024, Supreme Champions from select premier regional beef shows in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island will be invited to participate and compete against Royal Grand Champions in the 2024 Masterfeeds® Supreme Beef Champions Class at The Royal.
Most breed association junior shows will take place on Thursday October 31, 2024.
Show Champions will be the 2024 Official Beef Cattle Photographer for champion pictures as well as candids.
Exhibitors may ONLY bring a maximum of 24 hours worth of feed and bedding into the barns for their own livestock.
The southwest corner of the industry building to the Lower East Annex will be closed to cattle in 2024 so that pedestrian access remains unobstructed.
All animals must be stalled in their barn displays daily from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
Beef Cattle Rules & Regulations
Exhibitor Passes - UPDATED RULE IN 2024
One exhibitor pass will be given out for the first large livestock entry, then one (1) pass for every two (2) subsequent entries, to a maximum of four (4) complimentary passes.
Anyone entering The Royal grounds, including the barns, requires a pass. Passes must be worn at all times and presented if requested by security or staff.
Passes are valid for the duration of The Royal.
Advanced Exhibitor Passes will be available for purchase on Assist Expo for $25.00 until Friday October 25, 2024. After this date, Exhibitor Passes can be purchased at the Show Office for $50.00.
Exhibitors will NOT be allowed to begin dismantling displays until the indicated time in their specific breed section. Upon written request to the Barn Manager, out of province cattle may be allowed to move out early. Exhibitors with special requests MUST contact the Barn Manager. Any exhibitor that moves out early without approval from the Barn Manager will be subject to penalties as per Livestock Rule and Regulations #17.
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (RAWF) has:
banned the use of aerosol cans in the marshalling area of the Semex Ring of Excellence. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification from the competition.
banned the placing of heating elements and aerosol cans together in the same container/pail. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action
This show (sections 300-306) is recognized as a purebred show (unless specific classes state otherwise) and as such, registrations will be governed by Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule #4.
There shall be no limit on the number of entries that may be made by an exhibitor. Notwithstanding this provision, the maximum number of animals and groups that may be shown by an exhibitor shall be as follows:
In classes for single animals, there will be no restriction on the number of animals shown by an exhibitor
In classes for groups: One group
The maximum number of animals of one breed that an exhibitor may bring to the show (in classes for single animals) is 16 for all breeds
A breeding unit may show 2 additional exhibits provided these are 4-H animals shown by 4-H members. These exhibits will be ineligible to compete in the Breeders Herd and Get of Sire Class.
No animal may be shown in more than one class for single animals except championships, special prizes or groups. To be eligible for showing in a group class, every member of the group must have been exhibited in its appropriate class for single animals within the breed show. Calves shown in single classes will not be allowed to be shown in a single class with their dam, unless otherwise stated in the individual breed section.
There must be a MINIMUM 50 ANIMALS SHOWN in any beef breed show. The RAWF reserves the right to cancel a show if insufficient entries are received by the entry deadline.
Entries in the cow/calf classes are considered to be one animal entry, as the cow/calf must be shown as a single unit to be eligible for placement by the judge
If a breed does not show the minimum number of animals, that breed will be placed on probation for the following two years. If that breed does not reach the minimum number of animals shown during the probation period, the association will not have breed representatives on the RAWF beef cattle show committee, the show will be discontinued and the breed association will be offered presence at The Royal through a live animal display.
At the time of entry the following information must be given with respect to each animal entered, including calves with cows:
Name and registration number
Tattoo number (MUST BE LEGIBLE)
CCIA tag number - must have valid tag #, will be checked during weigh ins.
Date of birth
Name of sire and dam
All calves must be entered on the Entry Form along with their dams including calves with cows
Entered in the name of the registered owner(s)
Breeder’s Name
Farm of Origin Premise ID#
Farm of Departure Premise ID#* (Required if farm of departure is different than the farm of origin only)
Substitutions will be allowed, as follows:
2 substitutions within breed per exhibitor if made with the RAWF Agriculture Show Office staff upon arrival
If a change of ownership occurs to an animal entered in the RAWF after the entry closing date and a copy of the transferred registration paper is presented to the RAWF Agriculture Show Office prior to the printing of the catalogue the new owner will be credited as the exhibitor
The original registration certificates of all entries must accompany cattle to the show and must be checked by an official of the relevant breed association.
Ear tagging and animal identification must be in compliance with mandatory traceability rules and regulations of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as per Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule # 6
Requirement for entry in classes for breeding animals: All calves and yearlings must be weighed at the show prior to showing with their birth date, show weight, and weight per day of age posted in the stall. All other entries must be weighed with their weight posted (at the breed association’s discretion).
An animal owned jointly by more than one individual, firm or corporation, must be registered in the names of such owners jointly, and when shown as a single animal must be entered in the names of the joint owners.
In the event that one of the joint owners is the breeder of the animal they may include it in a group class having a “Bred-And-Owned” requirement. Only one exhibitor can receive points for the animal’s placing for calculation of the premier exhibitor award. In this case, the exhibitor must be specified in advance of weigh-in to the official of the breed association, otherwise the joint owners will be considered as one exhibitor/entity for calculation of points. A joint ownership entry must be made on a separate Entry Form.
An exhibitor is not required to list the names and numbers of the animals comprising a herd or group at the time of entry, but must give such information to the official of the breed association concerned with checking registration certificates before the commencement of judging of the herd or group
Provision has been made whereby the RAWF will supply an area for tying out beef cattle at night, from 5:30 PM to 8:00 AM Thursday to Saturday and on Sunday from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM. Only cattle will be allowed in the designated area. The tie out fee is included in the entry fee. No first bedding will be provided in tie outs. Tie outs will NOT be available until Monday, October 28, 2024 after 8:00 AM.
Any male over a year must have a ring or lead when out of stalls. Any male over a year found to be out of stalls without a ring or lead will be barred from showing.
CLIPPING, TRIMMING CHUTES, AND TACK BOXES: Clipping or grooming of cattle is prohibited in main aisles of the barn. Chutes will be allowed behind exhibitor stall space on show day only (at the discretion of the Barn Boss). Chutes will be allowed in the barns as space permits at the discretion of the Barn Boss. Barn Bosses will designate where chutes and tack boxes are to be located. All chutes must be clearly identified with stickers provided by the RAWF. Stickers are available from the Barn Boss upon payment of chute fee with entries or in the show office. Chutes not identified with a 2023 RAWF sticker will be removed from the barns.
In an effort to improve traffic flow, the following restrictions have been placed on the number of chutes that an exhibitor may bring to the RAWF:
less than 3 head stabled - no chute
3 - 6 head stabled - 1 chute
7 or more head stabled - 2 chutes
Chute stickers must be purchased at the time of entry. All chutes must have a RAWF issued sticker visible.
Chutes must be placed in an area as directed by the Barn Manager, the Beef Cattle Superintendent or Barn Bosses.
Chutes will not be provided by the RAWF.
Blocking chutes found in the barn that are not identified by a 2024 RAWF sticker or are not located in a designated area will be charged a fee of $500.00 per chute and removed/impounded.
All needles/sharps MUST be disposed of in a ‘Sharps Disposal Container’. If an exhibitor does not have a ‘Sharps Disposal Container’, one will be located for use on site, in the Livestock Superintendent Trailer. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
A standard amount of a first bedding pack of wood bark will be provided for Beef Cattle. NO STRAW WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BEEF BARN. Shavings may be used at the owner’s expense. Straw is ONLY allowed in tie-outs.
A maximum of 1 head fan per 5 animals will be permitted.
No butt fans. Only overhead side mounted fans will be allowed.
Fire Marshal orders prohibit the stacking of feed and hay against the wall of the cattle barn. All feed and hay must be contained within the feed aisles between stalls. Fire Marshal orders also prohibit the stacking of hay, feed & clothing on or near (no closer than 1’) electrical panels. Electrical panels must remain clear at all times.
All exhibitors are required to show in dress approved by the breed association while showing animals in the ring. Such apparel shall not bear any letters, marks or labels purporting to reveal the identity of the exhibitor.
All animals must be identified in the show ring by numbers only displayed on the backs of the exhibitors. In order for these numbers to be displayed properly, a special show harness is necessary. The numbers will be supplied at no cost to the exhibitor. No ear tags which identify the exhibitor will be allowed.
Tents are not permitted in the tie out area or barn area as they pose a danger and the space is required for animals.
Stalls will be assigned at the complete discretion of the Barn Bosses in regards to the number of entries that an exhibitor brings to the RAWF. All animals must remain tied in their barn display stalls between 8:00 AM & 5:30 PM on Thursday October 31, 2024 through to Sunday November 3, 2024. Any exhibitors who do not tie their entries as assigned, or uses more space than designated, may be asked to leave the grounds, forfeit their entry fees and may not be welcome to exhibit at the RAWF in future years. Cooperation from everyone is required.
Exhibitors who wish to bring an RTV* for their personal use must pay a $60 fee upon entry. Proof of RTV insurance & licence information will also be required. Exhibitors must park their RTV in a RAWF designated RTV parking area and display a RAWF issued parking pass at all times. From Thursday October 31, 2024, to Monday, November 4, 2024, RTVs will be prohibited from the cattle barn between the hours of 7 AM – 9 PM. After 9 PM, any RTV that requires charging will be allowed to do so at their pack. Manitoba Drive and the surrounding area are public roads under the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto and the Toronto Police Service. All relevant laws will apply to the operation of a motor vehicle while on roadways.
**4-wheeler or 2-up RTV type vehicles are prohibited from use on Exhibition Place grounds - only recreational-type vehicles with four wheels and a steering wheel will be permitted.
Date: Sunday November 3, 2024 Time: 4:00 PM Location: Semex Ring of Excellence
The Masterfeeds Supreme Beef Championship class will invite the Grand Champion Bull and Female from each of The Royal's seven breed shows, the National Junior Beef Heifer Show back into the ring along with the supreme champions from premier regional beef shows in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes to be judged for overall Supreme Bull and Female. Three North American officials have been invited to decide who will take home the prize and title of Masterfeeds Supreme Bull and Supreme Female.
Masterfeeds Supreme Champion Bull 2023 BAKER FARMS JUSTIFIED 15J (Champion Bull, Charolais) owned by Ashley Baker of Baker Farms and Wilgenbusch Charolais, Madoc, ON, who qualified at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Paris Fair, Barrie Fair, Tweed Fair and the Lindsay Exhibition.