Maple Syrup Competition


DATE: Monday October 28, 2024

TIME: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

LOCATION: Royal Ballroom


JUDGES: David Wagler, Amanda Bering, Stephen Needham, and Chris Koopmans



CLERK / RECORDER: Rosanna Wagler

Thank you to our competition sponsors:

Competition Information

Entry Deadline: Monday September 30, 2024

Entry Fees: $6.00 per entry. No entry fee for Youth Maple Competition.

Exhibit Arrival Time: Between Saturday October 19 and Friday October 25. Office hours are 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, except Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.

Entry Delivery Address:

Agriculture Show Office, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
39 Manitoba Drive, (Use Door #33 for drop offs), Exhibiton Place
Toronto, ON, M6K 3C3

2024 Royal Maple Committee

Chair: B.W. (Bev) Campbell

Committee: David Wagler, Stephen Needham, Amanda Bering, Jean Giffin

Affiliated Members: International Maple Syrup Institute, Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness


  1. Exhibitors of maple products must be bona fide producers and the exhibits shown by them must be the product of their operation from the past 2024 Maple Syrup season.
  2. Not more than one entry per class will be accepted from an exhibitor.
  3. Entries must be made via Assist Expo, RAWF’s online entry system. After the entry closing date, the RAWF will send the exhibitor a confirmation letter outlining their entries as well as labels for their products. These labels will contain the Section #, class #, and ID# for each entry. Please match your entries with the labels and place these labels on the BOTTOM of the appropriate jars. * Points will be deducted if the label is placed on the face of the bottle.
  4. No labels, other than those mentioned in Rule 3, will be permitted.
  5. ALL exhibits, whether shipped (prepaid) or delivered in person, must arrive at the RAWF between the entry delivery dates listed above. Exhibitors must label their packages with their exhibitor name and number. Please ensure you provide your courier with the office hours above when scheduling your shipment.
  6. If hand delivering your entries please call the Agriculture Show Office at 416-263-3418 upon arrival.
  7. Maple Products will be judged in accordance with the scale of points indicated in each section, on Monday October 28, 2024, commencing at 9:00 AM. The decisions of the judges shall be final.
  8. Syrup should be packed hot (185°F – 190°F or 85°C – 91°C).
  9. Maple syrup exhibits shall consist of two (2) Curved Kent Type glass bottles of maple syrup, each having a capacity of 250 mL (U.S. 8.5 oz). Brown or black caps only to be allowed on 250 mL Kent syrup bottles. No gold, white, or red caps, points will be deducted. Maple butter, maple jelly and stirred maple sugar exhibits shall consist of two (2) 250 mL short cylinder jars complete with gold caps. Entries must be from the current season. All maple products (Classes 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) must be shown according to the specifications given.
  10. Class 5 (Champion & Reserve) will be judged from the highest points winners in classes 1 - 4.
  11. Maple syrup that tests less than 66.0 Brix or higher than 68.9 Brix, as determined by a refractometer, or a syrup brix hydrometer with temperature correction to obtain the true density, will be disqualified. Maple syrup entered into the wrong colour class will not be reclassified, will not receive points, and will be disqualified. The colour class will be determined by a photometer /spectrophotometer using an optical cell having a 10-millimetre light path at a wavelength of 560 nanometers, the colour values being expressed in percentage of light transmission as compared to A.R. Glycerol fixed at 100 per cent transmission, or an equivalent instrument at the discretion of the judges.
  12. All maple syrup should have a flavour characteristic of its respective colour class and be free from any objectionable odour or taste. It is best to sample from the same lot before submitting your entries to The Royal.
  13. Any maple syrup entry containing any form of foreign material will be disqualified from the competition. Please check your syrup for clarity before submitting your entries.
  14. Entries become the property of the RAWF. An exception will be made for one unopened bottle of the World Champion and Reserve Maple Syrup to be returned to the exhibitor, if the Show Office is notified by Friday November 8, 2024, at 12:00 PM.
  15. Maple syrup and maple products will be judged under the guidelines of the North American Maple Contest Judging Guidelines as used by the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI).

Points will be awarded as follows:


Flavour40Pleasing maple flavour, one that only comes from the sap of the maple tree (and only when that sap is properly handled and processed)
Density30New for 2024 the competition points for density will be awarded by the chart found below.
Colour20Entries entered in the correct class receive full points. If entries are in the wrong colour class as labelled on the product will be disqualified.
Clarity*10Maple syrup should be crystal clear, points deducted for unclean containers.


Flavour40Pleasing maple flavour that is characteristic and distinctive
Texture (crystallinity)35Points are awarded based upon the size of crystals
Appearance*15Points awarded based upon creep test performance


Flavour40Pleasing maple flavour that is characteristic and distinctive
Texture30Points awarded based upon hardness, crystallinity and surface
Appearance*20Points awarded based upon the absence of white areas, good form, light colour and lack of separation
Package10Points awarded based upon sanitation and attractiveness of packaging


Flavour40Pleasing maple flavour that is characteristic and distinct. Sugar with more caramel flavour and slight off-flavours will be downgraded.
Texture30Points based on hardness, broken with difficulty, crystallinity condition of individual sugar crystals, and surface smooth and free of holes.
Appearance 20
No white areas, good form, colour, and no separation.
Sanitation and attractiveness. Wrapped in transparent film to protect it from dirt & microbial contamination.


Flavour40Pleasing maple flavour; not strong or bitter
Purity of product20Made with pure maple syrup and Genugel only
Appearance*15Colour: amber; Clarity: clear; free of air bubbles; no separation; free of foam on surface
Texture15Shakes slightly, retains shape; smooth; not gummy, sticky or rubbery
Packaging10With 1/2 inch head space


Flavour40Pleasing maple flavour that is characteristic and distinctive
Texture30Points awarded based upon hardness and crystallinity
Appearance*20Points awarded based upon colour, lack of separation and freedom from air bubbles

* These categories also include points given for freedom from foreign matter.


Density will be judged for a maximum of 30 points awarded, colour will be judged with a maximum of 20 points awarded. Entries placed in the correct colour class will receive FULL points.


Grade A - Golden / Delicate Taste: Not less Than 75% Tc
Grade A - Amber - Rich Taste: 50-74.9% Tc
Grade A - Dark / Robust Taste: 25-49.9% Tc
Grade A - Very Dark / Strong Taste: Less Than 25% Tc

Please note: It is best to examine your syrup for clarity and flavour before submitting your samples for competition.

MAPLE DENSITY: 30 points maximum

Test to be completed with two Certified Misco Digital refractometers.

Below 66.0Disqualified67.423 points


20 points67.522 points
66.122 points67.620 points
66.224 points67.719 points
66.325 points67.818 points
66.426 points67.917 points
66.5 - 67.030 points68.015 points
67.126 pointsAbove 68.110 points


25 pointsAbove 68.9Disqualified
67.324 points

New in 2024, RAWF food competition champions (Honey, Maple, Butter Tarts, Cheese & Butter, Ice Cream, Ready To Eat Meats, Jams, Jellies, and Pickles) will be invited to The Fair for the opportunity to sample and sell their product to the general public - please note this is restricted to producers who use a commercial kitchen to prepare their products. The RAWF Show Office will contact champions with further information on the Showcase.

We look forward to crowning this year's Royal Champions!

Maple Syrup and Maple Products

NEW CLASS: Novice / Hobby Producers Class (see class 11 for more information)



Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Golden/Delicate Taste

2 bottles, brown or black caps


Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Amber/Rich Taste

2 bottles, brown or black caps


Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Dark/Robust Taste

2 bottles, brown or black caps


Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Very Dark/Strong Taste

2 bottles, brown or black caps


Hard Maple Sugar

2- 250g blocks


Soft Maple Sugar Candy

2 – 125g boxes (must be left in boxes)


Maple Butter (Cream)

2 - 250ml short cylinder round jars, gold caps


Stirred Maple Sugar

2 - 250ml short cylinder round jars, gold caps


Maple Jelly

(made with Genugel and Maple Syrup only)

2 – 250ml short cylinder round jars, with gold caps and a 1/2 inch head space


Novice / Hobby Producers - Amber Maple Syrup

Novice / Hobby Producers will be determined by 200 or less taps in 2024

Exhibitors of maple syrup (AMBER ONLY) shown by them must be the product of their operation from the past 2024 maple season. (2 bottles required).
No more than one entry per class will be accepted from an exhibitor and cannot enter into any additional class for maple competition

Champion Maple Syrup / Reserve


The John David Eaton World Championship Cup
A Silver Cup will be awarded to the winner of the World Champion Maple Syrup exhibit Class 5 in Section 813 by the RAWF. The cup will be kept at The Royal. A silver tray and cheque for $500, sponsored by The John C & Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation, will be presented to the winner.
Corbett Trophy
This trophy, donated by Mr. C.P. Corbett, President of The Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association in 1969-70, will be awarded to the Exhibitor with the highest total score in maple product classes (6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 combined of Section 813). Sponsored by the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association. A plaque will be presented to the winner.
Dominion & Grimm Trophy
This trophy, sponsored by Dominion & Grimm Inc., will be awarded to the Reserve Champion Maple Syrup, Section 813, Class 5. The trophy will be kept at the RAWF. A plaque and Dominion & Grimm gift certificate will be presented to the winner.
Premier Exhibitor Trophy
The Directors of The Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association will donate a trophy to be awarded to the Exhibitor having the highest total score in Section 813 with the exception of Class 5. Sponsored by the Ontario Maple
Syrup Producers Association. A plaque will be presented to the winner.



  1. To be eligible to compete in this section, an exhibitor must:
    1. Be 18 or under as of December 31, 2024
    2. Have produced (or helped to produce) the product from which the exhibit is selected during the current year.
    3. Do not have to be in 4-H. if a 4-H member check off the box on the entry form.
    4. The exhibitor cannot enter in the open category.
  2. Every entry must be made either online via Assist Expo, RAWF’s online entry system. After the entry closing date, the RAWF will send the exhibitor a confirmation letter outlining their entries as well as labels for their products. These labels will contain the Section #, class #, and ID# for each entry. Please match your entries with the labels and place these labels on the BOTTOM of the appropriate jars. * Five Points will be deducted if the label is placed on the face of the bottle.
  3. To be eligible for competition, each exhibit shall consist of one (1) 250 mL (US 8.5 oz) Curved Kent Type (New Style) glass bottle, brown or black caps only.
  4. ALL exhibits, whether shipped (prepaid) or delivered in person, must arrive at the RAWF between the entry delivery dates listed above. Please ensure you provide your courier with the office hours above when scheduling your shipment. Exhibits must be delivered to:
    Agriculture Show Office
    Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
    Door #33, Manitoba Drive
    Exhibition Place
    Toronto, ON, M6K 3C3
  5. All Maple Products become the property of The RAWF.
  6. Class 5 (Youth Maple Champion) will be judged from the highest points in classes 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Youth Maple Syrup

1 bottle required for each class.

1 bottle



Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Golden/Delicate Taste


Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Amber/Rich Taste


Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Dark/Robust taste


Maple Syrup, Canada Grade A, Very Dark/Strong Taste

Champion Youth Maple Syrup / Reserve

Highest points in classes 1, 2, 3, 4


The Frank Robson Plaque

Highest score for a 4-H Member. (4-H Membership must be indicated on the entry form).


The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, in partnership with 4-H Canada, is pleased to offer the Jack Pemberton Youth Development Bursary to a senior 4-H member in Canada with a keen interest in agriculture and a desire to attend The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto.

Jack Pemberton was a Past President and Honourary Life Governor of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Mr. Pemberton created this opportunity to travel to Toronto to visit The Royal firsthand, as he felt it is a wonderful experience for anyone who is interested in agriculture.

The 102nd Royal Agricultural Winter Fair runs from November 1 to 10, 2024.

The successful applicant will be awarded a $3,000 bursary.

  • $2,250 of the funds will be used to cover the cost of travel to and within Toronto (airfare and all transportation between the airport, hotel, and The Royal grounds).
  • $750 as a bursary award towards the recipient’s post-secondary education.

In memory of Mr. Pemberton, The Royal will provide General Admission passes and up to three nights of accommodation (double occupancy), for the winner and a guest. The Royal staff will also provide a suggested itinerary of events to attend, including some VIP opportunities. The itinerary will be put together based on the interests expressed in the winner’s application.



  • Canadian 4-H member in good standing.
  • Will be entering their final year of high school in September 2024.
  • Have plans for post-secondary education in an agriculture-related program.
  • Have demonstrated involvement in agriculture.

NOTE: Preference will be given to those who have not attended The Royal Agricultrual Winter Fair before.


  • Cover letter, to explain why you are excited about and deserving of this opportunity.
  • Your resume.
  • Letter of recommendation from a 4-H Leader or other relevant agriculture group leader.

The winner will be notified no later than September 30, 2024.

For more information please contact the 4-H Canada Program Department at

Applications open August 9th, 2024 and close September 15th, 2024 at 11:59 ET.
Submit your application online at

Jack Pemberton was born in Toronto and lived there until he and his wife Lillian bought farm property near Georgetown, Ontario. Jack discovered his passion for horses and carriages while in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and was able to pursue this hobby now that he had some land. He taught himself how to drive, and became very skilled at restoring carriages, often showing at fairs around Canada and the United States - even becoming a Royal Champion. Jack has supported many associations and fairs throughout the world. As a past President and member of the board, Jack's influence on The Royal has been, and will continue to be, greatly valued.