Dairy Cattle Rules & Regulations

2024 Royal Dairy Cattle Competititon

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair gratefully acknowledges the contribution from Semex for their overall sponsorship of the Dairy Cattle Shows

2024 Royal Dairy Committee

Chair: Tim Sargent (Jersey)

Livestock Superintendent: Hugh Fletcher

Barn Managers: Mike Thomas & Eric Doran

Dairy Cattle Superintendents: Harry Emmott & Craig McComb

Michel Boudreault (Ayrshire)
Yves Charpentier (Ayrshire)
Glen Powell (Ayrshire)
Jodi Zettler (Holstein)

Scott Brethet (Holstein)

Pierre Boulet (Holstein)
Kenton Lindenbach (Holstein)
Blair Weeks (Holstein)
Jon Kingdon (Jersey)

Jennifer Vander Meulen (Jersey)

Phyllis Harrington (Jersey)
Jacob Lucs (Jersey)

Brad Sayles (Semex)

Murray Reissner (TD Dairy Classic)


Entry Closing Date:Friday October 18, 2024. Late entries can be made online until Friday November 1, 2024, with the late fee.
Entry Fee:$60 per entry. Note: There is no entry fee for Best Udder and Breeder's Herd Classes.
Late Entry Fee:$250 per entry will be applied per entry after October 18, 2024.
Environmental Fee:$5 per animal
Online Entries:www.assistexpo.ca/rawf
Move in - Barns:Please refer to breed specific competition books for timing.
Move Out:

Please refer to breed specific competition books.


  1. Exhibitor Passes - UPDATED RULE IN 2024
    1. One exhibitor pass will be given out for the first large livestock entry, then one (1) pass for every two (2) subsequent entries, to a maximum of four (4) complimentary passes.
    2. Anyone entering The Royal grounds, including the barns, requires a pass. Passes must be worn at all times and presented if requested by security or staff.
    3. Passes are valid for the duration of The Royal.
    4. Advanced Exhibitor Passes will be available for purchase on Assist Expo for $25.00 until Friday October 25, 2024. After this date, Exhibitor Passes can be purchased at the Show Office for $50.00.
  2. Exhibitors will NOT be allowed to begin dismantling displays until 4:00 pm on Sunday, November 10. Upon written request to the Barn Manager, out of province cattle may be allowed to move out early. Exhibitors with special requests MUST contact the Barn Manager. Any exhibitor that moves out early without approval from the Barn Manager will be subject to penalties as per Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule #17.
  3. This show (sections 400-403) is recognized as a purebred show (purity levels defined by the breed associations), unless specific classes state otherwise, and as such, registrations will be governed by Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule #4
  4. There shall be no limit on the number of entries that may be made by an exhibitor. Notwithstanding this provision, the maximum number of animals and groups that may be shown by an exhibitor shall be as follows:
    1. In the Junior Female and Dry Cow Classes a maximum of 2 entries in 2 Classes.
    2. There is no restriction on multiple exhibits for milking female Classes.
    3. In Classes for groups: One group
    4. The maximum number of animals of one breed that an exhibitor may bring to the show in classes for single animals is as follows:
      1. Ayrshires 17
      2. Jerseys 18
      3. Holsteins 20
    5. A breeding unit may show 2 additional exhibits provided they are 4-H animals shown by 4-H members. These exhibits will not be eligible to compete in the Breeders Herd and Get of Sire Class.
  5. No animal may be shown in more than one class for single animals except for a championship, a special prize, or in the Best Udder class. To be eligible for showing in a group class, every member of the group must have exhibited in its appropriate class for single animals within the breed show.
  6. There will be a MINIMUM 60 ANIMALS SHOWN in any dairy breed show. The RAWF reserves the right to cancel a show if insufficient entries are received by the entry deadline. If a breed does not show the minimum number of animals, that breed will be placed on probation for the following year. If that breed does not show the minimum number of animals shown during the probation period, the Association will not have breed representatives on the RAWF’s Dairy Cattle Show Committee and the show will be discontinued.
  7. At the time of entry the following information must be given with respect to each animal entered:
    1. Name and Registration number
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Identification, in cases where tattooing is obligatory
    4. Name and Registration number of the Sire and the Dam
    5. Entered in the name of the registered owner(s)
    6. Breeder’s Name
    7. Farm of Origin Premise ID
    8. Farm of Departure Premise ID *Required if farm of departure is different than farm of origin only
  8. Substitutions will be allowed as follows:
    1. 4 substitutions within breed per exhibitor if made with the RAWF Agriculture Show Office staff upon arrival
    2. If a change of ownership occurs to an animal entered in the RAWF after the entry closing date, and a copy of the transferred registration paper is presented to the RAWF Agriculture Show Office prior to the printing of the catalogue, the new owner will be credited as the exhibitor. Please ensure all ownership changes are communicated to the Agriculture Show Office to ensure correct prize money allocation.
  9. The registration certificates of all entries must accompany cattle to the show and be available for checking by
    an official of the relevant breed association
  10. Ear tagging and animal identification must be in compliance with mandatory traceability rules and regulations of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as per Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule #6
  11. An animal owned jointly by more than one individual, firm, or corporation, must be registered in the names of such owners jointly, and when shown as a single animal must be entered in the names of the joint owners. In the event that one of the joint owners is the breeder of the animal, they may include it in a group class having a “Bred-And-Owned” requirement. A joint ownership entry must be made on a separate Entry Form.
  12. An exhibitor is not required to list the names and numbers of animals comprising a herd or group at the time of entry, but such information must be given to the official appointed to check registration certificates of the breed concerned, before the commencement of judging of the herd or group
  13. No first bed of straw or shavings will be supplied
  14. Fire Marshal orders prohibit the stacking of feed, hay, and straw against the wall of the cattle barn. All feed and straw must be contained within the feed aisles between stalls. Fire Marshal order prohibits the stacking of hay, straw, feed & clothing on or near (no closer than 1’) electrical panels. Electrical panels must remain clear at all times
  15. Exhibitors may bring in a maximum of 24 hours' worth of feed and bedding for their own livestock-between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM ONLY.
  16. All exhibitors are required to dress in white shirts and trousers while showing in the ring. Such attire shall not bear any letters, marks or labels purporting to reveal the identity of the exhibitors.
  17. All animals exhibited must be identified by numbers displayed on the fronts and backs of the exhibitors. In order that these numbers may be displayed properly, a special show harness is necessary. The numbers will be supplied at no cost to the exhibitor.
  18. Stalls will be assigned at the complete discretion of the Dairy Cattle Superintendent in regard to the number of entries that an exhibitor brings to the RAWF. Any exhibitors who do not tie their entries as assigned, or uses more space than designated, may be asked to leave the grounds, forfeit their entry fees, and may not be welcome to exhibit at The RAWF in future years. Cooperation from everyone is required.
  19. Tent/display space will be assigned based on availability. Please fill out a tent/display application form if you would like tent/display space. Tents shall not exceed 10x10 and shall not have a ceiling cover. All tents and displays will be subject to a fee. A minimum of 5 entries is required in the string to purchase a tent*/display
    1. REMINDER: Ceiling covers are prohibited on tents. Non-compliance will result in RAWF staff removing ceiling covers. In addition, The Royal will fine the exhibitor at fault $500 which will be deducted from any prize money won or added to their invoice.
  20. All needles/sharps MUST be disposed of in a ‘Sharps Disposal Container’, supplied to exhibitors by the RAWF. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
  21. The RAWF will monitor the barns for unacceptable practices through whatever means they feel are reasonable.
  22. Exhibitors who wish to bring an RTV* for their personal use must pay a $60 fee upon entry. Proof of RTV insurance & license information will also be required. Exhibitors must park their RTV in a RAWF-designated RTV parking area and display a RAWF-issued parking pass at all times.
    1. From Thursday, October 31 to Sunday, November 10, 2024, RTVs will be prohibited from the cattle barn between the hours of 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM. After 9:00 PM, any RTV that requires charging will be allowed to do so at their pack. Manitoba Drive and the surrounding area are public roads under the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto and the Toronto Police Service. All relevant laws will apply to the operation of a motor vehicle while on roadways.
    2. *4-wheeler or 2-up RTV type vehicles are prohibited from use on Exhibition Place grounds—only recreational-type vehicles with four wheels and a steering wheel will be permitted.


Please be advised that milking units, vacuum pumps, and milk cans will not be available at the RAWF. Accordingly, dairy cattle exhibitors will be obliged to make arrangements for their milking requirements. The RAWF will establish and maintain a sanitation centre where the equipment can be washed.


Every dairy cattle exhibitor must read and adhere to the Code. The signature of the exhibitor is MANDATORY on the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair’s entry form BEFORE entries will be processed by the RAWF Agriculture Show Office staff. By signing this entry form, an exhibitor agrees to abide by all livestock breed rules and regulations for showing.

In order to present a positive image to spectators, the following is designed to support good animal husbandry both at home and at The Royal.

The Royal will be monitoring the barns and will provide full reports to breed associations of any observed contraventions to the Code of Ethics for Dairy Cattle Exhibitors.



The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair will proceed with an enhanced program to detect any unethical fitting procedures. Ultrasound analysis will be conducted on the udders of designated milking cattle. Additionally, milk samples may be drawn from randomly selected cows. The ultrasound procedure will be supervised by an accredited veterinarian. The results of the ultrasound and the interpretations will be made available to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and the respective breed association. Only authorized individuals will be allowed into the assigned ultrasound area.


  • In each milking class the 1st – 5th placing animals will be tested. If there are more than 10 head in a class, then the 7th and 9th placing animals will also be tested


  • In each milking class the 1st – 3rd placing animals will be tested. In addition, if there are more than 8 head in a class then the 5th and the 7th placing animals will also be tested.
  • The Showperson of the animals with the aforementioned placings will receive an official ultrasound card from The
    RAWF containing the following information: Placing, Animal Name, and Ring Number. This card must be submitted to the Ultrasound Technician upon arrival.
  • Designated animals are requested to be immediately taken to the assigned area. If the ultrasound is not conducted by the end of the show day, the prize money for this animal will be withheld and a warning will be sent to the exhibitor. Animals must not be milked prior to the ultrasound. This may lead to disqualification


  • Breed Champions invited to participate in the Quality Seeds Dairy Supreme Championship must participate in ultrasound testing prior to the start of the Supreme Championship Show.
  • Some animals may be required to have an additional ultrasound examination after being milked out. Refusing a second check will result in disqualification.


  • The protocol is designed to detect any foreign substance which may be inserted into the udder for cosmetic purposes. A veterinarian will determine any infraction and certify their interpretation. This is the responsibility of the RAWF and its ultrasound personnel.
  • Any infraction of the rules and regulations will result in disciplinary action by the respective breed association. This may include, but is not limited to, probations and suspensions of owner(s) and fitter(s), or their representatives either individually and/or a combination thereof.


The following Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules promote good sportsmanship among exhibtiors, support good animal husbandry practices, and present a positive image to spectators. These Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules apply at all times while present within and around the fairground or show property. For all Dairy Cattle Shows, these Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules are enforced by the Breed Association, operating under its by-laws.

Violations of these Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules are subject to the disciplinary provisions of the Standard Procedures for Enforcing the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, and/or other applicable show rules or regulations.

All owners, exhibitors, fitters, handlers, or other persons action on behalf of the owners of animals (hereafter referred to as the "Animal Owner Group") shall abide by the following rules.


  • For the purposes of these Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, all treatments of animals are deemed to have occurred on the fairgrounds or show property. All treatments will be considered illegal unless authorized in writing by a practicing veterinarian located on the fairgrounds or show property. If such authorized or prescribed treatments of an animal will likely change visual appearance, these must be administered at least twelve (12) hours before a showing of an animal.
  • The Standard Procedures for Enforcing the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules shall be applied to any violation of these Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules. The defined terms in the Standard Procedures for Enforcing the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules apply to these Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, unless otherwise indicated.
  • The Animal Owner Group shall have the opportunity to seek clarification on any points or details of these Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules from the Show Associates authorized by the show, including interpretation, enforcement and associated penalties.
  • Certain methods and equipment will be used to monitor and record unethical practices and procedures, including, but not limited to, cameras and videos.
  • Every effort will be made to ensure privacy and professionalism towards all parties involved in any suspected violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules.
Show Organizers: refers to the person(s) or entities that are organizing, endorsing and managing the show and their officials, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents or volunteers.
Show Associates: refers to the person(s) or group of persons that are monitoring, either through a physical presence or attending the ultrasound booth, and assisting in the interpretation and enforcement of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules.
Rules Committee: refers to a separate group of individuals that provide a secondary level of review pertaining to any violations that are deemed to have occurred. This committee is composed of the following:
  • Show Associates; Breed Association’s President and CEO; and Two (2) other persons designated by the Breed Association’s management
Review Panel: refers to a separate group of individuals that provide a next level of review pertaining to any Violations that is deemed to have occurred. This panel shall be composed of the following:
  • Two (2) Breed Association’s Vice-Presidents; and An external person named by the board of the Breed Association
Appeal Committee: as defined in the By-Laws of the Breed Association, shall be comprised of the Three (3) members appointed by the board of Breed Associations.

UNACCEPTABLE PRACTICES OR CONDUCT: The following practices or conduct are prohibited in showing registered Dairy Cattle:

  • General
    • Misrepresenting the age, calving date, number of lactations, or ownership of an animal;
    • Failure to submit upon request any samples of urine, milk, blood, or any other bodily Fluids of the animal.
    • Failure to provide upon request any device, material, medicine, or substance, whether in liquid or other form for the purpose of laboratory analysis
    • Failure to fulfill any other inspection cooperation requirements set out in the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules or in the Standard Procedures for Enforcing Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules.
    • Failure to comply with ultrasound procedures.
  • Body
    • Unnaturally filling an animal’s rumen with liquid (tubing), except for health reasons related to a physical examination and prescription from a veterinarian. Should tubing be necessary within twelve (12) hours before the start of a show, an animal will no longer be eligible to be exhibited;
    • Administering epidural anaesthesia (blocking tails) and/or applying an irritant externally or internally to the perineal (rectum and vagina) area;
    • Performing any kind of surgery to alter the natural contour of appearance of an animal’s body, hide or hair (not including, removal of warts, teats and/or horns; clipping and/or dressing of hair; or trimming of hooves); Inserting foreign material/articles under the skin, into the topline, including hair not attached to its own hair follicle;
    • Performing alterations of any kind to change the visual appearance of an animal, except the painting of spots smaller than six (6) inches in diameter on one side.
      • For Jersey Cattle: Performing alterations of any kind to change the visual apperance of an amimal, except colour touch up of a maximum of 4" on either side of the spine (topline) or hoof polishes.
  • Feet and Legs
    • Applying foreign material/articles on the feet;
    • Draining fluid from hocks, unless authorized by a veterinarian appointed by the Show Organizers
  • Udder
    • Balancing the udder by any means other than by leaving naturally produced milk in any or all quarters;
    • Treating the udder internally with an irritant, counterirritant, or any other substance to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation;
    • Treating the udder externally with an irritant, counterirritant, or any other substance to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation. (It is an allowable practice to seal and set teats, or to use external anti-inflammatory substances for the well-being of the animal); or
    • Roping udders and the use of objects to physically improve definition of the median suspensory ligament;
    • Electro-stimulator machines (Dairy-Cell) are not permitted during the 24 hours before the start of the first class.
  • Conduct
    • Criticizing or interferring with judges, Show Organizers, Show Management, Show Associates, or other exhibitors at any time while present within and around fairgrounds or show property;
    • Any conduct that violates, directly or indirectly, recongized standard show practices; or
    • Any other conduct that typically considered discreditable which could damage the image of the breed, show, or Breed Association.
    • Discreditable conduct includes, but is not limited to, acts that include the following:
      • violence or threat of violence;
      • verbal abuse and/or use of derogatory language;
      • harassment of any kind; or
      • improper and/or unprofessional behaviours

Co-operation Requirements: The Animal Owner Group shall also abide by the following:

  1. Upon request, the Animal Owner Group shall provide to Show Associates any hypodermic syringes, needles, or other devices, swabs, cloths, or materials, or samples of any medicine, preparation or substance, whether in liquid and/or other form, for the purposes of laboratory analysis.
  2. The Animal Owner Group is subject to supervised insepction by Show Associates authorized for a show. All such persons shall fully cooperate with Show Associates and Show Organizers shall:
    1. Provide unhindered access to the animal;
    2. Provide all information requested by Show Associates in connection with thier inspections;
    3. Remove any udder supports, blankets, or other barrier objects which might limit the ability of Show Associates to undertake a thorough inspection;
    4. Upon request, permit the taking of samples of urine, milk, blood, and any other bodily fluids suitble for analysis; and
    5. Comply with ultrasound procedures as directed by Show Associates or Show Organizers during the show.


These Standard Procedures for Enforcing Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules (“Standard Procedures”) will be used to enforce the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, as published by Breed Association’s and the Show Organizers.

Infractions and Penalties: The standard penalties prescribed for infractions of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules are set out in a separate document with the title “Infractions and Penalties”. These are the penalties that will be applied under these Standard Procedures.

Before the Show

  1. The Show Organizers will ensure that all owners/exhibitors sign (by hardcopy or electronic submission) an agreement to abide by the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, either as a separate document or as part of the entry form.
  2. The Show Organizers will appoint designated person(s) to act as Show Associates at a Dairy Cattle Show. The Show Associates will be responsible for overseeing compliance with the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules

During the Show

  1. For the purpose of monitoring compliance, Show Associates shall have the authority to perform, on any animal entered for showing, any test, examination, inspection or analysis, that Show Associates, in their sole discretion, consider useful for assessing compliance with the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, including without limitation:
    1. an ultrasound examination of the udder, prior to and after milk-out where the possibility of such examination has been announced before any judging in the class in which the animal is entered;
    2. a milk-out of any individual cow or cows;
    3. the collection and testing of any of the animal’s body fluids, at any time; and at any time, any other technology, and other inspections and/or analysis, including autopsy
  2. At any time, Show Associates may require the delivery of the following items in the possession or control of all owners, exhibitors, fitters, handlers, or other persons acting on behalf of the owners of animals (hereafter the “Animal Owner Group”), for the purpose of laboratory analysis: hypodermic syringes, needles, other devices, swabs, cloths, other materials, samples or any medicines, preparations, or substances, whether in liquid and/or other form
  3. Upon request from Show Associates, the members of the Animal Owner Group shall promptly provide any information and produce any document required by Show Associates for the proper monitoring of compliance with the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules and shall fully cooperate with any inspections.
  4. Show Associates will try to warn an exhibitor or their representative before showing that:
    1. complaint has been received of a possible violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules concerning the animal to be shown; or
    2. the Show Associates have a reasonable belief that there would likely be a violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules if the exhibitor’s animal is shown.
  5. If the exhibitor decides not to show the animal after receiving such a warning, no violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules will be considered to have occurred and no disciplinary measures will be taken against the Animal Owner Group. The Show Associates will only give the above-noted warning to an exhibitor or their representative where they, in their sole discretion, consider it reasonable and practical to do so, though not in circumstances of disqualification of entries under the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules after showing.
  6. Prior to milk-out and following the judging of the milking classes, Show Associates shall have the option either to ultrasound the udders of a representative number of animals in each of the milking classes or to take milk samples from a representative group of animals. If Show Associates plan either to ultrasound the udders or to take milk samples, they will announce this before the judging of the milking classes.

After the Show

  1. If within seven (7) days following the judging of the classes, the Show Associates considers that there has been a violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, these Standard Procedures, or other show rules and regulations, Show Associates will meet with the Rules Committee to advise of their findings.
  2. If the Rules Committee considers that there is a reason-able basis for a Show Associate’s opinion of a possible violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, these Standard Procedures, or other show rules and regulations, applicable members of the Animal Owner Group shall be notified of the alleged violation within forty-five (45) days after the judging of the classes and shall confidentially be provided with the basis for the allegation and the penalty that would apply under these Standard Procedures (Infractions and Penalties section).
  3. An Animal Owner Group receiving a written notice of violation and associated penalty (the “Affected Party”) will have the following options that must be elected within thirty (30) days of receipt of a notice of violation:
    1. Option 1: Confidentially resolve the matter by accepting the penalty, signing the relevant documents presented, and making payment of the associated Breed Association administration costs requested in the notice; or
    2. Option 2: Request a meeting with the Review Panel for the Show in order to receive and discuss information supporting the basis for the alleged violation and the assigned penalty, and to make representations to the panel for its consideration in relation to the alleged violation
    3. If an option is not elected within thirty (30) days, the Affected Party shall be deemed to have acknowledged the violation and accepted the penalty, which shall then be considered final.
  4. If a meeting is requested as provided under Option 2 above, the Affected Party (assisted by legal counsel or another representative or agent, if they so choose) shall attend the meeting convened with the Review Panel and shall cooperate with and facilitate the Review Panel’s proper determination of matters pending before it by providing any information and producing any documents that may reasonably be requested for the Review Panel’s consideration and determination.
  5. For the purpose of its determination, the Review Panel shall:
    1. Receive information and representations from the Show Associates and/or the Rules Committee as to the alleged violation and the basis for the allegation (which information shall be shared with the Affected Party at the meeting);
    2. Receive information and documents requested from the Affected Party;
    3. Receive any additional relevant information, documents or representations that the Affected Party wishes to submit;
    4. Determine if any violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, these Standard Procedures, or any other applicable show rules or regulations has occurred; and
    5. After due consideration and when it is ready, provide its determination by majority vote in writing to the Rules Committee and Affected Party
  6. If the Review Panel has found a violation of the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules, the applicable penalties set out in the “Infractions and Penalties” document portion of these Standard Procedures shall apply. The penalties shall be enforced by the Breed Association with the support of the Show Organizers.
  7. Any determinations of the Review Panel under these Standard Procedures may be appealed through the Breed Association, using the following processes and requirements:
    1. The Affected Party may appeal within fifteen (15) days by delivering a written notice of appeal to the Breed Association setting out the grounds of appeal, and accompanied by a $7,500 amount representing security for appeal costs (“Security”). The Security will be used to cover the Breed Association’s administrative costs in the appeal process, but will be refunded if the appeal by the Affected Party is finally determined in its favour.
    2. The Show Organizers or show management may appeal within fifteen (15) days by following the process for “Complaints Against Any Person” established under the By-Laws of the Breed Association.
    3. The composition of the Appeal Committee and the process for appeals shall be that provided for under the By Laws of the Breed Association in the sections dealing with “Complaints Against Any Person”


PART A - If the following action is observed, supplemental penalties may be applied.

  • Excessive uddering of lactating cows is strongly discouraged.
    • It will be monitored and subject to a reprimand from Show Associates.
  • Performing alterations of any kind to change the visual appearance of an animal, except the painting of spots smaller than six (6) inches in dimension on one side;
    • An official warning the first time and an infraction the second time.

PART B - If the following action is observed, an animal will not be allowed in the show ring.

  • Excessive alteration of hair beyond 1½ inches from the skin.
  • Electro-stimulator machines (Dairy-Cell) will be permitted up to 24 hours before the start of the first class. N.B. For shows in Québec, electro-stimulator machines (Dairy-Cell) are strictly prohibited

PART C - The following category of infractions will be subject to the practice-related penalties described in Part D: Practice Penalties.

  • General
    • Misrepresenting the age, calving date, number of lactations, or ownership of an animal;Failure to submit upon request any samples of urine, milk, blood, or any other bodily Fluids of the animal.
    • Failure to provide upon request any device, material, medicine, or substance, whether in liquid or other form for the purpose of laboratory analysis
    • Failure to fulfill any other inspection cooperation requirements set out in the Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules or in the Standard Procedures for Enforcing Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules.
    • Failure to comply with ultrasound procedures.
  • Body
    • Unnaturally filling an animal’s rumen with liquid (tubing), except for health reasons related to a physical examination and prescription from a veterinarian. Should tubing be necessary within twelve (12) hours before the start of a show, an animal will no longer be eligible to be exhibited;
    • Administering epidural anaesthesia (blocking tails) and/or applying an irritant externally or internally to the perineal (rectum and vagina) area;
    • Performing any kind of surgery to alter the natural contour of appearance of an animal’s body, hide or hair (not including, removal of warts, teats and/or horns; clipping and/or dressing of hair; or trimming of hooves); Inserting foreign material/articles under the skin, into the topline, including hair not attached to its own hair follicle;
    • Performing alterations of any kind to change the visual appearance of an animal, except the painting of spots smaller than six (6) inches in diameter on one side.
      • For Jersey Cattle: Performing alterations of any kind to change the visual apperance of an amimal, except colour touch up of a maximum of 4" on either side of the spine (topline) or hoof polishes.
  • Feet and Legs
    • Applying foreign material/articles on the feet;
    • Draining fluid from hocks, unless authorized by a veterinarian appointed by the Show Organizers
  • Udder
    • Balancing the udder by any means other than by leaving naturally produced milk in any or all quarters;
    • Treating the udder internally with an irritant, counterirritant, or any other substance to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation;
    • Treating the udder externally with an irritant, counterirritant, or any other substance to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation. (It is an allowable practice to seal and set teats, or to use external anti-inflammatory substances for the well-being of the animal); or
    • Roping udders and the use of objects to physically improve definition of the median suspensory ligament;
    • Electro-stimulator machines (Dairy-Cell) are not permitted during the 24 hours before the start of the first class.

PART D - Practice Penalties

  • 1st Offence
    • One (1) year probation
    • Removal of the placing of animal
    • Administration costs between the range of $500 to $1,000
    • Forfeiture of prize money
  • 2nd Offence
    • One (1) year suspension
    • Removal of the placing of animal
    • Administration costs between the range of $1,000 to $2,000
    • Forfeiture of prize money

PART E - Conduct Infractions: The following category of infractions will be subject to the practice-related penalties described in Part F Conduct Penalties.

  • Criticizing or interfering with judges, show organizers, show management, show associates or other exhibitors at any time while present within and around fairgrounds or show property;
  • Any conduct that violates, directly or indirectly, recognized standard show practices; or
  • Any other conduct typically considered discreditable which could damage the image of the breed, show or the Breed Association.
  • Discreditable conduct includes, but is not limited to, acts that include the following:
    • Violence, or threat of violence;
    • Verbal abuse and/or use of derogatory language;
    • Harassment of any kind; or
    • Improper and/or unprofessional behaviours

PART F - Conduct Penalties

  • 1st Offence
    • One (1) year suspension
    • Administration costs of $2,000
  • 2nd Offence
    • Two (2) year suspension
    • Administration costs of $2,500
  • 3rd Offence
    • Five (5) year suspension
    • Administration costs of $5,000

PART G - Penalties at Shows

Infractions of the Ethics Program will be expanded from the two (2) national shows and be implemented to all shows supported by the Breed Association and monitored by the ethics team. This decision is in effect for the 2018 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and continues thereafter. This Infractions and Penalties document is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:

  • Standard Procedures for Enforcing Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules;
  • Dairy Cattle Show Conduct Rules; and
  • Standard Exhibitor’s Agreement.

PART H - Administrative Notes

Suspension: Means the time period during which animal owners may not have any involvement at a show, including exhibiting, leading, judging, or being an associate judge or ring person
Probation: Means the time period during which any person who commits an additional infraction will be automatically subject to the next level of penalty.
Time period: For the purpose of calculating its full duration, the start of a probation or suspension penalty will begin effective the date on which the payment is made of the required administration cost. In addition, until that payment is made, offending persons remain subject to the conditions of penalty imposed.
Owners: All penalties for infractions are levied against the owner(s). Owner(s) are identified as the individual, or each member of a group of individuals listed and identified by the breed Association under animal ownership during the show in which the infraction occurred.
One year: Refers to twelve (12) months, including the next edition of the show where the infraction occurred (even if it exceeds twelve (12) months)
Two years: Refers to twenty-four (24) months, including the next two editions of the show where the infraction occurred (even if it exceeds twenty-four (24) months)
Three years: Refers to thirty-six (36) months, including the next three editions of the show where the infraction occurred (even if it exceeds thirty-six (36) months)
Five years: Refers to the sixty (60) months, including the next five editions of the show where the infractions occurred (even if it exceeds sixty (60) months)

Premier Herdsman Awards

  • Open to all owner-exhibitors or herdsmen in Beef Cattle Sections
  • Every owner-exhibitor or herdsman in charge of an exhibit comprised of at least four animals shall be deemed a Competitor
  • Judges will inspect the exhibits several times daily between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm throughout the RAWF
  • Points will be awarded as follows:
Neatness of the exhibit and surrounding area30
Appearance of the animals at all times but particularly on non-show days30
Attractiveness of signs and the display area


Initiative and courtesy displayed by the contestant in dealing with the public and fellow exhibitors




Awarded during the Quality Seeds Dairy Supreme Championship on Saturday November 11, 2023, in the Semex Ring of Excellence.

Curtis Clark Achievement Award

This award is designed to honour the character and friendliness of Master Cowman Curtis Clark. It will be awarded annually to the Canadian Dairy Cattle exhibitor who exemplifies the all-round ability, sportsmanship and dedication necessary to be respected by his fellow breeders and exhibitors. It will be presented at the RAWF during the judging of the Holstein Classes. The following criteria will be used in the selection:

  • Active and living Showperson, Breeder or Manager in Canada;
  • Dedicated supporter of breed activities;
  • May represent any Dairy Breed;
  • Has the ability to Breed, Manage, Develop and Exhibit Dairy Cattle;
  • Must exhibit at some major shows anywhere in Canada;
  • Will be selected by a special committee.

The winner must be present at the Royal to accept the Award.

    New nominations should include a brief resume on the nominee, and must be sent by October 1, 2023 to:

    Bonnie Cooper, Secretary
    Curtis Clark Achievement Award Committee
    904-12 Rockford Rd.
    North York, ON, M2R 3A2
    Phone: 416-663-8515 Cell: 416-579-6572
    E-mail becooper2010@gmail.com