Market Lamb Competition


Judging Information

Auction Information

DATE: Tuesday November 5, 2024
11:00 AM. New Crop Milk Lambs will be judged following Market Lamb Judging (approx. 3:00 PM)
: Lower East Annex Show Ring
DATE: Tuesday November 5, 2024
TIME: 5:00 PM. New Crop Milk Lamb Action will happen immediately following Market Lamb Sale
LOCATION: Lower East Annex Show Ring

Competition Information

Entry Deadline: Friday October 25, 2024.

Entry Fees: $11 - Single Market Lambs, $10 - New Crop Milk Lambs, $18 - Pair of Market Lambs

Arrival Time: Sunday November 3, 2024, after 10:00 PM. Lambs must be in place by 12:00 PM Monday November 4, 2024.

Time of Release: Immediately following the Market Lamb Auction

Exhibitor Meeting: Monday November 4, 2024, at 3:00 PM, Lower East Annex Show Ring

2024 Market Lamb Committee

Gary Brien
Craig Emke
Hugh Todd
Gordon Mark
Chris Kyle

PLEASE NOTE: Payment for the auction purchases will be taken in the Agricutlure Show Office via approved cheque, debit, or credit card before animals will be premitted to leave the premises. VISA or M/C information will be required upon registering to purchase.


  1. All exhibitors showing and selling in the Market Lamb show must be dressed in white shirts and black trousers while showing in the ring. All clothing shall not bear any letters, marks or labels purporting to reveal the identity of the exhibitors. No hats or caps shall be worn in the show ring. No entrance to the ring will be the result for failing to comply with this rule. This rule will be strictly enforced.
  2. Lambs shown in Classes for Single Market Lambs are not eligible for showing in Pair Classes or vice versa
  3. All sheep—including those exhibiting in the Breeding Sheep Show, Junior Sheep Show, Royal Sheep and Wool Ambassador Competition, and Market Lamb Show— will be reviewed by the Culling Committee. At the discretion of the Culling Committee and the RAWF, an official veterinarian appointed by the RAWF will conduct inspections for the presence of contagious and/or infectious diseases, as well as adherence to the Canadian Sheep Breeders Association (CSBA) tail length requirements. All sheep entered will require a caudal fold that can be seen or felt. A veterinarian will be directly assisting the committee during the culling. Any sheep deemed unfit for health reasons by the official veterinarian will be asked to leave the facilities immediately, however, Animals deemed not in compliance with CSBA tail length requirements will be disqualified from competition but not required to leave the facilities.
  4. All Market Lambs, shown in Single Classes or in Groups, must be slick shorn, and must be docked, properly altered (no testicles or cord present), washed and clean. Lambs will be culled with particular emphasis on those Lambs that are over-finished.
  5. All Market Lambs shown must be sold through the auction. Any Lambs not shown will not be eligible to be sold in the auction.
  6. The selling weight of Lambs sold in the auction will be the actual weight on the day prior to Show Day. Lambs will be weighed starting Monday November 4, 2024 at 12:30 pm.
  7. No re-weighing will be permitted after the official weigh-in.
  8. A commission charge will be deducted based on the 2024 commission rates as per the Livestock Rules & Regulations, Auction Information.
  9. An Exhibitor acknowledges the Royal’s right to randomly test any market animal and if any illegal drug residue(s) are found, the RAWF will not make payment to the Exhibitor for that animal or animals, and may take action to bar the exhibitor from competing at future shows of the RAWF. See RAWF Livestock Rules & Regulations # 23 & 24. The Champion and Reserve Market Lamb will be drug tested.
  10. The Royal will be following the CSBA tail length requirements. All sheep entered will required a caudal fold that can be seen or felt.

Single Market Lamb




Wether Or Ewe Lamb, 60-80 Lbs


Wether Or Ewe Lamb, 81-90 Lbs


Wether Or Ewe Lamb, 91-100 Lbs


Wether Or Ewe Lamb, 101 - 110 Lbs


Wether Or Ewe Lamb, 111 - 120 Lbs


Suffolk Wether and Ewe Lambs

Over 75 lbs. and not exceed 125 lbs . All entries must be sired by a registered Suffolk Ram

Lambs shown in the Suffolk Lamb Class are ineligible for entry in the Market Lamb Classes 1-5 but are eligible to qualify for Champion and Reserve Market Lamb


Southdown Wether and Ewe Lambs

Over 75 lbs. and not exceed 120 lbs. All entries must be sired by a registered Southdown Ram

Lambs shown in the Southdown Lamb Class are ineligible for entry in the Market Lamb Classes 1-5 but are eligible to qualify for Champion and Reserve Market Lamb


Texel Wether & Ewe Lambs

Over 75 lbs. and not exceed 120 lbs. All entries must be sired by a registered Texel Ram.

Lambs shown in the Texel Lamb Class are ineligible for entry in the Market Lamb Classes 1-5 but are eligible to qualify for Champion and Reserve Market Lamb

Market Lamb - Pair Of Lambs



Pair Of Lambs, Ewes And Or Wether, Avg. 60-80 Lbs


Pair Of Lambs, Ewes And Or Wethers, Avg. 81-90 Lbs


Pair Of Lamb, Ewes And Or Wethers, Avg. 91-100 Lbs


Pair Of Lambs, Ewes Wethers Avg. Wt. 101-110lbs


Pair Of Lambs, Ewes Wethers Avg. Wt. 111-120lbs

New Crop Milk Lambs

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Lambs must weigh between 35-59 pounds; lambs will be weighed upon arrival.
  2. Lambs may be of either sex. Docking not compulsory but recommended.
  3. Lambs must be shown in natural condition, NOT TRIMMED OR WASHED.



New Crop Milk Lamb weigh between 35-59 pounds

This Class has been developed to support the production of milk lambs that are being sold to the ethnic markets in Canada