DATE: Sunday November 10, 2024 TIME: 10:00 AM LOCATION: Semex Ring of Excellence | DATE: Sunday November 10, 2024 TIME: 4:00 PM LOCATION: Semex Ring of Excellence |
STANDARD JUDGE: Stephen Webster
BANTAM JUDGE: Trevor MacDonald
PIGEON JUDGE: Charlie Powers
Competition Information
Entry Deadline: Friday October 25, 2024
Entry Fees: $5.00 per entry
Arrival Time: Sunday November 10, 2024, after 6:00 AM and before 9:00 AM
Time of Release: Sunday November 10, 2024, after 6:00 PM
PLESE NOTE: Poultry Exhibitors may unload thier exhibits at the West Loading Docks of the Enercare Centre or at the East Loading Docks. Immediately after your exhibits have been unloaded you must move your vehicle from the loading zone and park in visitor parking.
2024 Poultry Committee
Chairman: Charlie Tilt
Robert Ridler | Carolyn Ridler | Steve Webster |
John Sanders | Dawn Cooper | Don Biernes |
Maragaret Schnurr | Greg Oakes | Whitney Tilt |
Dick Nieuwland | Fred Koops | Ken Tilt |
Caitlyn Tilt | Ray Dunlop | Trevor MacDonald |
Robert Shrum |
Honorary Members: Steve Harper, Bruce Mason, Bernice Harper, Doug King, Jim McIlwain, Horst Volkmann, Luke Korsok
PLACING | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
PRIZE MONEY | $7 | $6 | $5 |
Ribbons to 4th Place
Sections 1000 - 1050 are subdivided into four classes:
1000 | New Hampshire | 1001 | Plymouth Rock, Barred |
1002 | Plymouth Rock, White | 1003 | Plymouth Rock, Columbian |
1004 | Plymouth Rock, A.O.C. | 1005 | Wyandotte, White |
1006 | Wyandotte, Silver Laced | 1007 | Wyandotte, A.O.C. |
1008 | Rhode Island Red, A.V. | 1009 | Jersey Giant, A.C. |
1010 | Chantecler, A.C. | 1011 | American A.O.B. |
1012 | Brahma, A.C. | 1013 | Cochin, Buff |
1014 | Cochin, Black | 1015 | Cochin, White |
1016 | Cochin, A.O.C. | 1017 | Langshan, A.C. |
1018 | Hamburg, Black | 1019 | Hamburg, Silver Spangled |
1020 | Hamburg, Pencilled A.C. | 1021 | Hamburg, A.O.C. |
1022 | Campines A.C. | 1023 | Polish, Buff Laced |
1024 | Polish, White Crested Black | 1025 | Polish, A.O.C. |
1026 | Faverolle, A.C. | 1027 | Continental, A.O.B. |
1028 | Old English, Black Red | 1029 | Old English, Silver Duckwing |
1030 | Old English, A.O.C. | 1031 | Modern, A.C. |
1032 | Sumatra | 1033 | A.O.B. |
1034 | Australorp | 1035 | Cornish, A.C. |
1036 | Dorking, A.C. | 1037 | Orpington, Buff |
1038 | Orpington, Black | 1039 | Orpington, A.O.C. |
1040 | Sussex, A.C. | 1041 | English, A.O.B. |
1042 | Andalusian | 1043 | Ancona |
1044 | Leghorn, White, S.C. | 1045 | Leghorn, Black, S.C. |
1046 | Leghorn, Light Brown, S.C. | 1047 | Leghorn, Dark Brown, S.C. |
1048 | Leghorn, A.O.V. | 1049 | Minorca, A.C. |
1050 | Mediterranean, A.O.B. |
Standard Poultry Grand Champion Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Standard Poultry will each recieve a rosette. |
Sections 2000 - 2047 are subdivided into four classes:
2000 | Modern, Birchen | 2001 | Modern, Black Red |
2002 | Modern, A.O.C. | 2003 | Old English, Black |
2004 | Old English, White | 2005 | Old English, Black Red |
2006 | Old English, Silver Duckwing | 2007 | Old English, A.O.C. |
2008 | Plymouth Rock, Barred | 2009 | Plymouth Rock, White |
2010 | Plymouth Rock, A.O.C. | 2011 | Japanese, Black-Tailed |
2012 | Japanese, Black or White | 2013 | Japanese, A.O.C. |
2014 | Leghorn, White, S.C. | 2015 | Leghorn, Light Brown, S.C. |
2016 | Leghorn, A.O.C. | 2017 | Rhode Island Red |
2018 | S.C. Clean Legged, A.O.B. |
2019 | Rose Comb, A.C. | 2020 | Hamburg, A.C. |
2021 | Sebright, Silver | 2022 | Sebright, Golden |
2023 | Wyandotte, White | 2024 | Wyandotte, Black |
2025 | Wyandotte, Partridge | 2026 | Wyandotte, Silver Laced |
2027 | Wyandotte, A.O.C. | 2028 | Antwerp Belgians, A.C. |
2029 | R.C. Clean Legged, A.O.B. |
2030 | Cornish, Dark | 2031 | Cornish, A.O.C. |
2032 | Polish, A.C. | 2033 | Chantecler, A.C. |
2034 | A.O.B. |
2035 | Cochin, Black | 2036 | Cochin, White |
2037 | Cochin, Buff | 2038 | Cochin, A.O.C. |
2039 | Silkie, White | 2040 | Silkie, A.O.C. |
2041 | Booted, Non-Bearded, A.C. | 2042 | D'Uccle Bearded, A.C. |
2043 | Brahma, Light | 2044 | Brahma, Dark |
2045 | Brahma, Buff | 2046 | Faverolle, A.C. |
2047 | Feather Legged, A.O.B. |
Bantam Poultry Grand Champion Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Bantam Poultry will each recieve a rosette. |
Sections 3000 - 3007 are subdivided into four classes:
3000 | Bronze | 3001 | Narragansett |
3002 | Bourbon Red | 3003 | White Holland |
3004 | Beltsville, Small White | 3005 | Black |
3006 | Slate | 3007 | Royal Palm |
Turkey Grand Champion Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Turkey will each recieve a rosette. |
Sections 4000 - 4012 are subdivided into four classes:
4000 | Chinese White | 4001 | Chinese Brown |
4002 | Egyptian | 4003 | Tufted Roman |
4004 | Buff | 4005 | Pilgrim |
4006 | Sebastapol | 4007 | Pomerainians, A.C. |
4008 | African Brown | 4009 | Embden |
4010 | Toulouse Grey | 4011 | Toulouse Buff |
4012 | A.O. Standard Breed |
Grand Champion Waterfowl (Geese) Overall Grand & Reserve Campion Waterfowl (Geese) will recieve a rosette. |
Sections 5000 - 5020 are subdivided into four classes:
5000 | Indian Runner, White | 5001 | Indian Runner, Fawn & White |
5002 | Indian Runner, Pencilled | 5003 | Indian Runner, Grey |
5004 | Indian Runner, A.O.C. | 5005 | Khaki Campbell |
5006 | Welsh Harlequin |
5007 | Buff | 5008 | Cayuga |
5009 | White Crested | 5010 | Blue Swedish |
5011 | Aylesbury | 5012 | Muscovy, A.C. |
5013 | Pekin | 5014 | Rouen |
5015 | Saxony |
5016 | Call White | 5017 | Call Grey |
5018 | Call, A.O.C. | 5019 | East India Black |
5020 | A.O. Standard Breed |
Waterfowl (Ducks) Grand Champion Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Waterfowl (Ducks) will each recieve a rosette. |
Section 6000 - Guinea Fowl is subdivided into four classes:
Guinea Fowl Grand Champion Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Guniea Fowl will each recieve a rosette. |
Sections 7000 - 7045 are subdivided into three classes:
7000 | African Owl, A.C. | 7001 | Archangel, A.C. |
7002 | Barb, A.C. | 7003 | Chinese Owl, A.C. |
7004 | Cropper, Norwich A.C. | 7005 | Cropper, Voorburg, A.C. |
7006 | English Carrier, A.C. | 7007 | English Trumpeter, A.C. |
7008 | Fantail, A.O.C. | 7009 | Fantail, Solid Colour |
7010 | Flying Roller, A.C. | 7011 | Frillback, A.C. |
7012 | German Beauty Homer, A.C. | 7013 | Helmet, A.C. |
7014 | Ice Pigeon, A.C. | 7015 | Indian Fantail, A.C. |
7016 | Jacobin, A.C. | 7017 | King, A.C. |
7018 | Lahore, A.C. | 7019 | Modena, Gazzi, A.C. |
7020 | Modena, Schietti, Solid A.C. | 7021 | Modena, Schietti, A.O.C. |
7022 | Mookee, A.C. | 7023 | Nun, A.C. |
7024 | Old German Owl, A.C. | 7025 | Oriental Frill, A.V. |
7026 | Parlor Roller, A.C. | 7027 | Pouter, English A.C. |
7028 | Pouter, Pigmy A.C. | 7029 | Pouter, Pomeranian A.C. |
7030 | Pouter/Cropper A.O.V. | 7031 | Racing Homer, Check, A.C. |
7032 | Racing Homer, Bar A.C. | 7033 | Racing Homer, A.O.C. |
7034 | Runt, A.C. | 7035 | Show Pen Homer, A.C. |
7036 | Show-Type Homer, Bar A.C. | 7037 | Show-Type Homer, Check A.C. |
7038 | Show-Type Homer, A.O.C. | 7039 | Show Roller, A.C. |
7040 | Swallow, A.C. | 7041 | Trippler, Flying A.C. |
7042 | Tippler, Show A.C. | 7043 | Tumbler, Kormorner A.C. |
7044 | Tumbler, L.F.C.L., A.C. | 7045 | Tumbler, West of England, A.C. |
7046 | Tumbler, A.O.V. | 7047 | A.O.V. (please state) |
Pigeon Grand Champion Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Pigeon will each recieve a rosette. |
THE BICKLE MEMORIAL TROPHY (PERPETUAL) A sterling silver Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor of the Grand Champion Standard Fowl of the show. This trophy was donated in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bickle, life long friends of the RAWF and ardent supporters of the Poultry Show. | THE ROY J. MESSERVEY MEMORIAL TROPHY (PERPETUAL) This trophy is donated by Mr. David Otis, Toronto in memory of the late Roy J. Messervey, prominent poultry man and many time judge at the Royal will be awarded annually for the Best Young Standard Poultry of the Show. |
CHARLES H. COLL SR. TROPHY (PERPETUAL) A Cup donated in memory of Charles H. Coll, Sr., Truro, Nova Scotia will be awarded to the Championship Jersey Giant | SAM LUMB TROPHY (PERPETUAL) This trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor exhibiting the Best Silver Laced Wyandotte Standard |
AHIERS CHALLENGE TROPHY (PERPETUAL) This trophy, donated by the late Messrs. Alfred and Percy Ahiers, will be awarded to the exhibitor exhibiting the Best Bantam of the Show. | AHIERS CHALLENGE TROPHY (PERPETUAL) This trophy, donated by the late Messrs, Alfred and Percy Ahiers, will be awarded to the exhibitor exhibiting the Best Opposite Sex Bantam |
THE NORTHEY CHALLENGE PIGEON TROPHY (PERPETUAL) The trophy donated by the late Mr. James A. Northey, will be awarded to the exhibitor winning Best Pigeon in Show | THE NORTHEY CHALLENGE WATERFOWL TROPHY (PERPETUAL) The trophy donated by the late Mr. James A. Northey, will be awarded to the exhibitor winning Best Waterfowl in Show. |
THE C.A.R. TILT MEMORIAL TROPHY (PERPETUAL) This trophy is donated by the Tilt Family and will be awarded to the exhibitor winning Best Duck in Show. | HOWARD AND EILEEN LAIDLAW JUNIOR EXHIBITOR TROPHY (PERPETUAL) This trophy will be awarded to the Junior Exhibitor (10-21 years of age) exhibiting the Best Bird in the Show. |
C.V. CASSIDY MEMORIAL TROPHY (PERPETUAL) For the Best Barred Plymouth Rock – Standard or Bantam. Donated to recognize Mr. Cassidy’s contribution to the improvement of this breed, which he kept at his farm in Islington Ontario for over 70 years and showed in Canada and United States. A frequent winner at the RAWF, he left an enduring legacy in the quality of his stock to which can be traced most strains of Barred Rocks bred in Canada today. | GEORGE HOUTBY MEMORIAL AWARD AND TROPHY A cash award is donated by Reade Baker and will be presented to the exhibitor of the Champion Plymouth Rock (Standard or Bantam). |
PROVINCIAL MEET HAMBURG CLUB OF NORTH AMERICA The NCNA will offer awards to its members at this show. To become a member, please contact Hamburg Club of North America, P.O Box 254, Wilmington, IL. 60481 U.S.A | HOWARD LAIDLAW MEMORIAL AWARD Presented in memory of Howard Laidlaw to the Best Leghorn. A cash award will be donated by Reade Baker |
DAVE OTIS MEMORIAL TROPHY (PERPETUAL) Presented in memory of Dave Otis to the Reserve Champion Pigeon. The trophy was originally donated by the Canadian Pigeon Fanciers Association. | DON BRETHET AND JACK GRIFFIN MEMORIAL AWARD (PERPETUAL) Presented in memory of Don Brethet and Jack Griffin to the exhibitor showing the Champion Hamburg. Donated by Trevor MacDonald, Murray River, PEI. |
THE JOHN TILT MEMORIAL AWARD Presented in Memory of John Tilt who exhibited at the RAWF from 1922 until his death in 2008. This award will be presented to an individual who has been prominent in exhibiting poultry, as determined by the Tilt Family | SCOTTY MCHOLM MEMORIAL AWARD A cash prize presented by Reade Baker in memory of Scotty McHolm to the Best Bantam Duck. |
THE SHRUM FAMILY Offers a $20 cash award for Best Waterfowl of the Show. |
Thank you to Charlie Tilt for the donation of feed for the competition
A special thanks to the Ridler Family (Robert and Carolyn Ridler) who will be awarding a $100 cash prize on show day to each of the Grand Champion winners in Standard, Bantam, Geese, Ducks, and Pigeons.
If you have any questions or comments that you would like to share with us, please feel free to reach out to us directly, or fill out the form on our contact page.