Rabbit and Cavy Competition


DATE: Sunday November 16, 2025

LOCATION: Semex Ring of Excellence



Open Rabbit Show (Breeder's Herd will be judged first)8:30 AMOpen Cavy Show9:00 AM
Best in Show RabbitAfter classses completeBest in Show CavyAfter classes complete
Junior Youth Rabbit9:00 AM - 12:00 PMJunior Youth Cavy1:00 PM
Senior Youth Rabbit1:00 PM - 4:00 PMSenior Youth CavyImmediately following the Open Cavy Show
Youth Rabbit Pet (Jr & Sr)1:00 PMAngora Fibre11:00 AM
Awards Presentation5:00 PM

Competition Information

Entry Deadline: Friday October 31, 2025. Late entries will be accepted until Friday November 7, 2025, at the late entry fee. No changes or entries will be accepted on show day. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Entry Fees: $6.00 per entry. Late Entry Fee: $12.00 per entry.

Arrival Time: Sunday November 16, 2025, by 7:45 AM.

Exhibitors will recieve an e-mail confirmation which should be brought with them to the registration desk on show day as it will have the ear numbers for judging, and it functions as an entry pass to the fair.

2024 Royal Rabbit & Cavy Committee

Chair: Iris Jackson

Booth Superintendent: Elizabeth Voigt

Terry Beener Clemo
Sue Needle
Leslie Crawford
Holly Quance
Heather Middlebrook
Kelly Roth
Terry Morrison
Sandra Weiler

Honorary Members: John Voigt, Jack Clements

Affiliated Members: Dominion Rabbit and Cavy Association


  1. The Rabbit and Cavy Show is an Open Show and will be judged according to the most recent Dominion Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association Standard of Perfection.
  2. All breed class entries need to include the colour, or colour grouping in the description section of the entry form.
  3. There will be no limit on the number of entries that an exhibitor may show in Open Show classes.
  4. A limit of three entries per exhibitor per class may be shown in sections 1526, 1530, 1531.
  5. Exhibitors must be prepared to have animals remain in carriers. Water dishes should be available.
  6. Arrival time: 7:45 am on Sunday November 16, 2025.
  7. Only properly entered animals will be allowed at the show. There is to be no selling of animals that are not entered in the show.
  8. No exhibit may be removed until Sunday November 16, 2025, at 6:00 PM and must be removed no later than by Sunday November 16, 2025, at 8:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS.
  9. Rabbits and Cavies showing evidence of being unhealthy or diseased may be disqualified and removed from the show table at the discretion of the judge.
  10. Each exhibitor will receive a confirmation letter via email once the entry date has closed. This contains a QR code which will enable the exhibitor access to the Fair. One admission pass will be granted per exhibitor spending over $20 in entry fees.One admission pass will be granted per exhibitor spending over $20 in entry fees.
  11. Substitutions between rabbit and cavy breeds are only allowed until Friday November 7, 2025. No substitutions will be allowed on the day of the show.


NOTE: The sections have been revised to combine some varieties. When entering, exhibitors MUST list the colour or grouping in the description column. Splits for colour groups will be determined when entries close and all entries have been submitted.

Sections 1501 - 1515 are subdivided into six (6) classes:

  • Class 1: Senior Buck
  • Class 2: Senior Doe
  • Class 3: Intermediate Buck
  • Class 4: Intermediate Doe
  • Class 5: Junior Buck
  • Class 6: Junior Doe

1501American Chinchilla1502Argente Brun
1503Argente Champagne1504


1505Flemish Giant1506Lop French
1507German Angora1508Giant Chinchilla
1509New Zealand1510


1511Checkered Giant1512English Lop
1515A.O.S.B. Utility (state breed)1519Doe and Litter Utility A.O.S.B.
Best Utility Rabbit
Overall Best Utility Rabbit will recieve a rosette.


Section 1525

Class 1: Three meat type rabbits of the same age and breed.

  • Open to Purebred and Commercial Rabbits
  • Age - appromiately 9 weeks old
  • Weight - 5 lbs (2.27 kg maximum)


Section 1526

Class 1: Fryer Rabbit

Rules and Regulations:

  • All entries in the Rabbit Fryer Class must be delivered by 7:45 AM on show day.
  • The entries will be judged as live animals (No Carcass Competition)
  • Each exhibitor is limited to 3 entries in the class
  • Entries will be judged according to the DR & CBA standard which requires the ideal weight bewtween 4 lbs. and 5 lbs.

Prize Money


Grand Champion Rabbit Fryer
The Grand and Reserve Champion Rabbit Fryer will each recieve a rosette.


Section 1530 and 1531

Section 1530: Breeder's Herd -
Black and White or combination of Black and White markings or ticking. Examples are (but not limited to) Black Dutch, Californian, and Broken Black pattern.

Section 1531: Breeder's Herd - Other than Black and White or combination of Black and White markings or ticking. Examples are (but not limited to) Chocolate Mini Rex, Champagne Argente, and Sandy Flemish.

Rules and Regulations:

  • All entries in the Breeder's Herd must be delivered by 7:45 AM on show day.
  • Each exhibitor is limited to 3 entries in the class
  • Entries will be judged according to the DR & CBA standard. The herd must consist of 3 animals, 1 buck and 2 does all of the same breed.

Prize Money



Sections 1535 - 1571 are subdivided into four (4) classes:

  • Class 1: Senior Buck
  • Class 2: Senior Doe
  • Class 3: Junior Buck
  • Class 4: Junior Doe


American Fuzzy Lop

1536American Sable
1537Belgian Hare1538

Britannia Petite

1539Dutch1540Dwarf - Hotot
1541English Angora1543English Spot
1544Florida White1546


1547Himalayan1548Holland Lop
1549Jersey Wooly1550Lionhead
1551Mini Lop1552Mini Rex
1553Mini Satin1556Netherland Dwarf
1559Rhinelander1560Satin Angora
1562Thrianta1570A.O.S.B. Fancy (state breed)
1571Doe and her Litter, Fancy
Grand Champion Fancy Rabbit
Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Fancy Rabbit will each recieve a rosette.



  1. Check in entries by 10 am, Sunday November 16th, 2025
  2. , in the skein and garment area located within the Semex Ring of Excellence.
  3. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor and completed in the past 2 years.
  4. Maximum of three (3) entries per class division per exhibitor.
  5. Judging will be in the skein and garment booth. Interested parties may watch the judging but are asked not to talk to or question judges during the judging.
  6. After judging, skeins, garments, and wool will be displayed in the Semex Ring of Excellence.
  7. The committee will make every effort to display and care for the items entered but assumes no responsibility for loss or damage. Entries may be picked up at 6:00 PM at the close of the Rabbit and Cavy Show.
  8. Results will be announced at the completion of the judging.
  9. Sue Needle can help with entry forms and taking items to the Royal if contacted by October 7th, 2025.
  10. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Needle at (705) 321-3209 or email: sueneedle20@gmail.com


Section 1700 - 1705

Section 1700: 100% Angora - White or Natural Colour

  • Singles, fine and even as possible
  • Two-Ply: fine, medium or bulky
  • Other Ply or novelty

Section 1701: 100% Angora - Dyed

  • Single or Two-Ply; fine, medium or bulky
  • Other Ply or novelty

Section 1702: Angora Blends, natural or dyed

  • Single or Two-Ply
  • Other Ply or novelty

Section 1703: Angora plied with other fibre (may use commercial yarn)

  • Two or more ply
  • Go wild

Section 1704: Novice Spinner - Spinning for 2 years or less or under 16 years old. Anything goes!

Section 1705: 100% Hand Spun and plied on hand spindle, minimum 50% angora fibre.

    Rules and Regulations:

    1. Weight of skeins should be approximately 1 ounce, except Section 1700 Class 1 which should be.5 ounce.
    2. All skeins must be handspun and at least 50% angora. Skeins should be tied securely in at least 4 places.
    3. Entries must include description and end use (what you plan to make with this yarn—this is very important). Description should include: colour, weight, plies, special technique, fibre other than ANGORA, approximate percentages etc. Please provide name of breed or breeds of Angora that produced the fibre.
    4. No personal identification on skein, only the entry number.

    Overall Champion Skein
    The top ranked (1st place raw wool) from each class are re-evaluated for Champion raw wool. Previous points are disregarded and the top 3 are selected as your Champion (1st), Reserve Champion (2nd) and Honourable Mention Champion (3rd.)

    Prize Money: 1st - $50, 2nd - $35, 3rd - $25


    Section 1710 - 1716

    Section 1710: Large Wearable
    (sweater, vest, shawl, etc.)

    • 100% Angora
    • Combination Angora and other fibre

    Section 1711: Small Wearable (mittens, scarf, hat, collar, etc.)

    • 100% Angora
    • Combination Angora and other fibre

    Section 1712: Baby / child article

      Section 1713: Handwoven Wearable

        Section 1714: Felted Wearable

        Section 1715: Novelty or household non-wearable (toys, crafts, jewellery, afghan, etc.)

        Section 1716: Cottage - a commercially spun yarn with a minimum of 25% angora wool that has been raised by the person entering the garmet.

          Rules and Regulations:

          1. All garments must be at least 50% handspun angora. If other fibre is used, it may be handspun, or commercial yarn. Novelty and household items may be less than 50% Angora.
          2. Entries must include description of item. Description should include name of article, approximate percentages of Angora, other fibres, technique used and construction i.e. hand or machine knit, crochet, woven, etc.
          3. If an item is made by more than one person, then the entry should be made in both peoples’ names
          4. No personal identification on any garment, only the entry number

          Overall Champion Garnet
          The top ranked (1st place raw wool) from each class are re-evaluated for Champion raw wool. Previous points are disregarded and the top 3 are selected as your Champion (1st), Reserve Champion (2nd) and Honourable Mention Champion (3rd.)

          Prize Money: 1st - $50, 2nd - $35, 3rd - $25


          Section 1720 - 1723

          Section 1720: English

          1. Plucked
          2. Clipped

          Section 17321: French

          1. Plucked
          2. Clipped

          Section 1722: Satin

          1. Plucked
          2. Clipped

          Section 1723: German / Giant

          1. Plucked
          2. Clipped

          Rules and Regulations:

          1. Weight of wool should be at least one quarter (1/4) ounce, excluding packaging.
          2. Wool should be presented in a small box with a lid. No points given for decorated container. Points are given for clean, neat presentation. Wool should be presented neatly lined up and placed in tissue paper then inserted into a clear gallon sized zipped bag. No demerits for wool that needs to be folded into the bag. No colour restrictions. White and coloured wool are to be judged together. English, French, Giant and Satin angoras are four separate breeds and must be judged separately from each other according to the ARBA Standard of Perfection (excluding colour restrictions).
          3. No personal identification on the container, only the
            entry number

          Overall Champion Raw Wool
          The top ranked (1st place raw wool) from each class are re-evaluated for Champion raw wool. Previous points are disregarded and the top 3 are selected as your Champion (1st), Reserve Champion (2nd) and Honourable Mention Champion (3rd.)

          Prize Money: 1st - $50, 2nd - $35, 3rd - $25


          Sections 1600 - 1616 are subdivided into SIX (6) classes:

          • Class 1: Senior Boar
          • Class 2: Senior Sow
          • Class 3: Intermediate Boar
          • Class 4: Intermediate Sow
          • Class 5: Junior Boar
          • Class 6: Junior Sow



          1601Satin Abyssinian


          1606Satin Peruvian1607Silkie
          1608Satin Silkie1609

          Smooth Coat


          Satin Smooth Coat

          1612Satin Teddy1613Texel
          1614Skinny Pig1615A.O.S.B. Cavy (state breed) in description)
          1616Rare Variety Cavy (state breed in description)1620Boar and Son
          1621Sow and Litter1622Breeder's Pen
          Grand Champion Cavy
          Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Cavy will each recieve a rosette.


          Rabbit Premier Exhibitor Award
          A Premier Exhibitor Banner will be presented to the exhibitor winning the most points in sections 1501–1535
          Cavy Premier Exhibitor Award
          A Premier Exhibitor Banner will be awarded to the exhibitor winning the most points in sections 1600 –1625
          Best Rabbit in Show

          Winner awarded the Voigt Family Trophy (Perpetual) and a $100 prize.

          Reserve Rabbit in Show

          Winner awarded the Nancy Cross Memorial Trophy (Perpetual) and a $50 prize.

          Best Cavy in Show

          Winner awarded the Roy Thorpe Memorial Trophy (Perpetual), the DR&CBA Trophy (Perpetual) and a $100 prize.

          Presented by the DR&CBA.

          Reserve Cavy in Show
          Winner awarded the John Argue Memorial Award (Perpetual) and a $50 prize.
          The Northey Challenge Trophy (Perpetual)
          The trophy donated by the late Mr. James A. Northey, will
          be awarded to the exhibitors winning Best Rabbit or Cavy in Show. A suitable memento will be given to the winner.
          Jack Strachan Youth Award (Perpetual plus keepsake)
          Awarded to the best rabbit exhibited by a youth (under 18)
          The Carole Gordon Trophy (Perpetual Plate)
          Best Holland Lop
          Eloise Brewis Trophy (Perpetual Plate)
          Reserve Holland Lop
          James O’Connor & Liz Voigt Trophy (Perpetual)
          Best Flemish Giant
          Norm Carrington Memorial Trophy (Perpetual)
          Reserve Flemish Giant
          Mr. James Lowe Trophy (Perpetual)
          To be awarded to the winner of the Rabbit Fryer Class
          Blactch Feeds Ltd Trophy
          Best Fryer
          Best Satin Rabbit Trophy (Perpetual)
          Awarded to the Best Satin Rabbit in Show
          Karl Koch Memorial Trophy (Perpetual)
          Awarded to the Best Himalayan Rabbit in Show
          Ontario Angora Producers Association Plaque (Perpetual) and $50 Cash Award
          Presented to the Best Overall Angora Rabbit in Show
          Mary Jackson Memorial Award (Perpetual)
          Awarded to Best English Angora in Show
          Bing Harris Memorial Trophy (Perpetual)
          Awarded to the Best New Zealand in show
          Jack Selfe Memorial Trophy (Perpetual)
          Best Meat Pen
          Bill Dyke Memorial Award (Perpetual)
          Awarded to the Best Overall Doe & Litter
          Ulrich Dubach Trophy
          Awarded to the Best Mini Rex in Show

          Special Plaque Awards

          Best Utility Rabbit, Reserve Utility Rabbit, Best Fancy Rabbit, Reserve Fancy Rabbit