Square Dancing Competition


DATE: Sunday November 10, 2024

TIME: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


JUDGES: Sharon Grose, Iris Perriman, Wallace Boustead

CALLER: Dave Lucas

Competition Information

Entry Deadline: Friday October 25, 2024. Late entries will be accepted online until Friday November 8, 2024, with the late entry fee of $45 per set.

Entry Fees: $35 per set

2024 Royal Sqaure Dancing Committee

Wallace Boustead
Sharon Grose

Dave Lucas

Nancy Wheeler
Cecelia Diebold


  1. Each set will consist of four couples, all ages are eligible for entry
  2. Each set must complete an online entry from via AssistExpo, RAWF's online entry system.
  3. Each set will dance one Compulsory Dance to the Compulsory Caller and one Optional Dance of their choice to their own Caller. The Optional Dance must not contain any of the compulsory dances. The Optional Dance must not exceed seven minutes, including the entrance and exit. Each set will dance the compulsory dance followed immediately by the optional dance. Sets are not allowed to dance the same dance in two classes.
  4. Dances will be Canadian Old Time Square Dances. All sets will dance to music provided by the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
  5. No Square Dance Caller may call and dance at the same time.
  6. A caller can call for one set and dance in another. Only the caller and four couples shall appear on stage during competition.
  7. A dancer may dance in only one set. Only in the case of illness or injury, may a dancer be substituted after the set is on stage. Only the caller and four couples shall appear on the stage during the competition.
  8. All sets will dance two of the below, ** which will be picked at the competition. Note: For each set, the Compulsory Caller will call at random, one quarter of any two of the above four dances. For example, the caller may call Dive thru– Pass thru for the first couple and Right hand high– left hand low for any of the other couples. The four Compulsory Dances are:
    1. Ladies Chain Across and Down the Line
    2. Canadian Breakdown
    3. Texas Star
    4. Arch in the Middle, Ends turn in
  9. After the closing date for entries, a final schedule plus other information will be mailed, e-mailed or faxed to all sets, provided time is avaliable.
  10. Callers are to supply three (3) copies of their square dance calls the day of the competition. Please include the name of the set, the caller and the dancers. This can also be emailed to entry@royalfair.org prior to the competition and the Show Office will print it out.
  11. The sets will be ranked, based on points, to establish 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. The Judges will tally the rankings to establish the final placing. Note: The summing of points and time violations may be used to break any ties.
  12. The decisions of the judges will be final.
Attitude, Spirit, Enjoyment
Overall Effect, Audience Appeal, Entrance (optional dance)
Knowledge of Dance, Responsiveness to Caller
Old Time Movements (points will be deducted for deviations in optional dance)
Accuracy, Uniformity, and Style of Dancing
Dressing and Neatness



CALLERS: Remarks & Comments - 100 points

    ** If a set dances in both the 4-H set class or the College & University set class and open set class, they will be required to dance all 4 compulsory dances. No set may repeat a compulsory dance in their second class.


    Balance – To Partner – To Corner
    Bow (Honor) To Partner – To Corner
    Circle – Left or Right
    Allemande Left – Allemande Right
    Do Sa Do – With Corner – Left Shoulders
    Do Sa Do – With Partner – Right Shoulders
    Grand Chain (Grand Right & Left – Right & Left Grand)
    Reverse the Chain
    Weave the Ring
    Promenade – Full – Half
    Right & Left Thru – Right & Left Back
    Swing – Partner – Corner – Opposite
    Star by Left or Right – Men or Ladies
    Ladies Chain (Across) 2 or 4 Ladies
    Four Ladies Chain 3/4
    Ladies Rollaway (with a Half Sashay)
    Grand Square* (Sides Face – Heads Face)
    Box the Gnat

    * Please note: Grand Square consists of 32 beats in total. Dancers are expected to dance for the full 32 beats, and the compulsory caller is not required to call “reverse” after 16 beats.

    ACCEPTABLE OLD TIME MOVEMENTS - All of the moves listed above plus:

    Courtesy Turn
    Forward & Back
    Chassee – Half Chassee
    Divide (Split) a Couple
    Hold Your Holts
    Star Promenade
    Pass Thru – Double Pass Thru
    Separate – (Around 1-2 – Outside)

    Please contact the RAWF if your set requires the compulsory dances.

    Prize Money

    Rosettes will be awarded to the top 5 teams (if applicable)

    Callers: Rosettes will be awarded to the winning caller at the end of the competition and prize money of $50 will be awared to the “Best Caller”

    Please Note: Team prize cheques will be mailed to the contact name on the entry form.




    Square Dancing



    4-H Set

    Open to 4-H clubs. Dancers and Callers must be 4-H members in the current year


    College & University Set

    Open to Dancers and Callers currently enrolled in university or college.


    Open Set

    Open to dancers of all ages and all sets


    Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Callers’ Association Trophy (Perpetual)
    Awarded to the winning set of Class 2.

    Bill Hands Trophy (Perpetual)
    Awarded to the winner of best caller.