NJBHS Competition

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The Royal is pleased to welcome Masterfeeds as the title sponsor of the National Junior Beef Heifer Show and thanks them for their support of this premier Canadain Youth Show.

The Grand Champion Calf will be invited to join the Masterfeeds Beef Supreme Championship on Sunday November 9th, 2025, in the Semex Ring of Excellence.

Showmanship Classes

Conformation Classes

DATE: Friday November 7, 2025
Following Charlie Watson Class
: Semex Ring of Excellence, South Ring


DATE: Saturday November 8, 2025
TIME: 8:00 AM
LOCATION: Semex Ring of Excellence, South Ring


Opening Ceremonies: 8:00 AM on Friday November 7, 2025, in the Semex Ring of Excellence

Charlie Watson: Approximately 8:30 AM on Friday November 7, 2025, immediately following the Opening Ceremonies.

Competition Information

Entry Deadline: Monday October 6, 2025

Entry Fees: $25 per youth participant.

Arrival Time:

Wednesday November 5, 2025, at 8:00 AM. Cattle must be in place before Thursday November 6, 2025, at 8:00 AM.

Time of Release: Saturday November 8, 2024, immediately following the conclusion of the show.

Chaperone Registration: Thursday November 6, 2025, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM. Chaperones with papers for their groups must register at this time.

Open Registration: Thursday November 6, 2025, from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. All registrations will be accepted at this time.

*All Chaperones must register as a chaperone on Assist Expo during the entry period*

2024 National Junior Beef Heifer Show Committee

Chairman: Ryan Briggs

Vice Chairman: Katelyn Walker

Dave Massey
Andrea Stillman
Chadd Taylor
Dan Ferguson
Justin Lasby
Cathy Lasby
Patty Lasby
David Currie
Dwayne Miller
Jessica Currie-Stevens
Karen Mansfield

Bill Jackson

Aaron Whyte
Jessica Lasby
Holly Holyoake
Annette Edgar
Blair Williamson
Jason Hurst (Masterfeeds)

Thank you to our Supporting Sponsors


  1. Open to bona fide 4-H / AJRQ members over 10 years of age to a maximum of 21 years of age, as of January 1, 2024 who have successfully completed a 2024 4-H Beef Heifer Calf project. The animal exhibited must be the registered project animal with the 4-H members provincial 4-H Organization.
  2. ALCOHOL POLICY: The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (RAWF) complies with all existing laws that govern our event. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or cannabis at the RAWF is required to be done legally. The legal age of alcohol consumption in Ontario is 19 years old.
    1. In addition, alcohol and cannabis consumption is prohibited at any and all times, by all RAWF agriculture youth competition exhibitors while participating in all aspects of the Masterfeeds National Junior Beef Heifer Show, TD Canadian 4-H Dairy Classic, Youth Meat & Dairy Goat and Junior Sheep shows, RAWF Square Dance, Go For The Gold and Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture competitions and any other youth competition not listed above,regardless if the individual is of legal alcohol or cannabis consumption age, while on Exhibition Place grounds during the full duration of each respective event.
    2. If an individual is 19+, only following the conclusion of their respective youth event, will they reclassify as an Open Show Agriculture Livestock Exhibitor and the respective Open Show Agriculture Livestock Exhibitor Alcohol Policy will apply.
    3. Youth exhibitors found consuming alcohol or cannabis will be required to immediately leave Exhibition Place grounds along with their livestock entry(ies), regardless of whether the livestock is entered in any additional competition (Open or Youth). Additionally, the youth exhibitor will be banned from exhibiting in any further RAWF competitions during the present year, as well as any competitions in the following year.
    4. In the event of an eviction the RAWF is not responsible for any related costs incurred by the individual or related individual(s). Entry fees will not be refunded and prize monies or other recognition, if applicable, will not be awarded.
    5. A letter, from the expelled individual, requesting reinstatement will be required to be received by the Director, Agriculture and Education 6 months in advance of their next eligible RAWF. The expelled individual will only be eligible to compete in any RAWF competition once their case has been reviewed and they have received approval, in the form of a letter, from the Director, Agriculture and Education stating such.
    6. The RAWF assumes no liability for any damages, injuries or death occurring as a result of any individual’s consumption of alcohol.
    7. Glass containers are prohibited in all agriculture livestock barns, including the Industry Building, North East Extension, Lower East Annex, beef tie-outs, wash areas and show rings.
  3. The heifer is to be certified by the respective 4-H / AJRQ Club Leader as the contestant’s 4-H project.
  4. Only one 4-H calf may be entered by each contestant. Each contestant must show their calf in both showmanship and conformation classes. Contestants must leave cattle in their stalls and stay until the completion of the show. Any contestant who dismantles their display and moves out before the published move out period without special permission will be barred from showing at The Royal in the future.
  5. No substitutions will be allowed after the entry closing date.
  6. Registered heifers must provide pedigree, complete with tattoos, and are subject to verification at the show. Calves must be tattooed and original pedigree must accompany heifer to the show and be presented at registration.
  7. All heifers competing in the Masterfeeds National Junior Beef Heifer Show must be tagged with approved CCIA National Identification tags. Age verification is recommended.
  8. As with all RAWF Youth Activity events, 100% participation is expected by all participants.
  9. The committee will designate a tie space to each 4-H / AJRQ County/Province prior to 6:00a.m on October 30, 2024. Animals entered in both the Masterfeeds NJBHS and an Open Breed Show at the RAWF may stall with their County / Province or in their respective breed section of the barn. The Committee requires any NJBHS contestant stalled in the purebred sections to have a NJBHS supplied stall card displayed in addition to their purebred stall card. Stall cards can be obtained from the RAWF show office.It is the responsibility of each County / Province to determine how many members will be stalling in the open show or the NJBHS space and adjust the display space accordingly.
    1. If a county has all of its members tied in the open beef breeds, the county is required to set up a "dry display" in the 4-H section of the barn. That county is not eligible to compete in the Best Exhibit Award. The area is expected to be maintained by its members. Dry Displays require the following:
      1. Banner or sign with the name of the county
      2. Stall cards for each exhitior (that list where the animal is tied in the open stall barn)
      3. Counties are encouraged to highlight attractions or something unique about thier county
      4. Display space will be 10' in length
  10. In an effort to improve traffic flow, restrictions will be placed on the number of chutes a 4-H / AJRQ Association/ province may bring to the Royal; One (1) chute per four (4) head to a maximum of six (6) chutes per 4-H / AJRQ Association/Province.
  11. The number of entries that will be accepted varies by county. Please contract The Royal (entry@royalfair.org) to verify how many spaces your county has.
  12. Showmanship Classes – Contestants age classifications are as follows:
    1. Junior: 10 – 13 years of age as of January 1, 2024
    2. Intermediate: 14 – 17 years of age as of January 1, 2024
    3. Senior: 18 years of age and over as of January 1, 2024
  13. Conformation Classes: Classes will be offered for breeds listed below. Heifers must be registered as a purebred by the respective Breed Association and meet the purebred percentages set out by the respective Breed Associations. In each of the classes listed below, the following classes will be offered: YEARLINGS - born in 2023 and CALVES - born in 2024. Classes will be arranged by age after closing of entries.
    1. Angus 100%
    2. Hereford 100%
    3. Shorthorn 87.5%
    4. Charolais 96.88%
    5. Simmental 87.5%
    6. Limousin 90%
    7. Maine Anjou 87.5%
    8. Any Other Pure Breed (example: Blonde, Galloway, Highland) must meet the required percentages as set out by the respective Breed Association
    9. Commercial – all other female animals
    10. To have individual breed classes, the breed must have a minimum of eight (8) exhibits shown in the National Junior Beef Heifer Show. Any registered breed that does not have sufficient numbers (less than 8 exhibits shown) will show in an ANY OTHER PUREBRED BREED class and a Breed Class will not be offered. When a Breed attains eight (8) exhibits for two (2) consecutive years in the National Junior Beef Heifer Show, then a Breed Class will again be offered at the discretion of the committee.
  14. PROFESSIONALISM: 4-H / AJRQ members are strongly encouraged to prepare their own calves at the show. Any clipping, conditioning or grooming should be done by the members in keeping with the 4-H motto “Learn To Do By Doing,” co-operation is appreciated.
  15. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrive on time for their class. If you arrive late for your class the committee reserves the right to disqualify you from the show.
  16. TAMPERING WITH LIVESTOCK: Unethical fitting of livestock entered for competition is prohibited. For the purpose of the RAWF, unethical fitting will be deemed to consist of any treatment or operation materially altering the structure of the natural conformation of part of the animal’s body such as the introduction of air, liquids or other substances subcutaneously in any part of the body, surgical operation to correct defects, or the performance of any act or operation to exaggerate the natural conformation of the animal. Any animal which in the opinion of an inspector or inspectors appointed for the purpose, has been unethically fitted shall be disqualified for exhibition and shall forfeit the right to be awarded any prizes or prize money and any entry fees which may have been paid to the RAWF on account of its entry shall be forfeited. The opinion of the inspector or inspectors and any action which may be taken thereon may be reported to any Association for the registration of purebred livestock, of which the exhibitor is known to be a member, and to the respective provincial 4-H / AJRQ Association. Every exhibitor in consideration of their entry being accepted specifically undertakes that no animal they have entered has been or will be before entering the judging ring, unethically fitted and they agree to submit for inspection before any inspector or inspectors appointed for this purpose by the Executive, any animal entered by them, at any time required and they further agree that the opinion of such an inspector or inspectors shall be final and conclusive and without recourse against the RAWF or any office thereof, or any person appointed by the Executive to act in the matter in respect to any action which may be taken under the regulations as set forth herewith and they, by entering the animal for exhibition, hereby releases the RAWF from all claims and demands whatsoever in connection with the disqualification of any animal under the provisions of this section.
  17. Due to safety concerns, there will be no overhead storage in the stalling area.
  18. DRESS CODE: All contestants will be provided with a shirt. Contestants are required to wear black trousers or slacks — no bluejeans, no ball caps, no hats, and no running shoes. This will apply throughout the show. Contestants must wear their show shirt in the ring at all times including the Opening Ceremonies.
  19. Exhibitors are required to participate in the show both days. If an exhibitor does not participate fully then they will not be welcome to the following years show. Special circumstances will be reviewed by the committee who hold the right to the final decision.
  20. Entries will be accepted until the closing date (listed above) online through AssistExpo. Late entries will not be accepted.
    1. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases. However, should an exhibitor have a protest about the judging results, it must be in writing and must state plainly the cause of complaint or appeal and must be delivered to the RAWF. Livestock show protests/complaints must be received within (2) hours of judging with a deposit of $100.
    2. All other protests must be made out to the RAWF in writing and accompanied by a deposit of $100 cash. Such protests must plainly state the cause of complaint, concern or appeal and must be delivered to the Agriculture Show Office Manager within 48 hours of the event or visit.
  22. TRAVEL: All competitors, chaperones and volunteers are responsible for transportation to Toronto and return.
  23. CHAPERONES: It is the responsibility of the chaperones to make sure all rules are adhered to by their participants. It is the responsibility of the 4-H / AJRQ Association or province to select the volunteers and have them adhere to the rules and regulations. There must be a minimum of two (2) chaperones per 4-H / AJRQ Association/province. For 4-H / AJRQ Associations with more than 10 exhibitors, passes will be provided based on one (1) additional chaperone for every additional ten (10) youth exhibitors. A chaperone must be an approved screened volunteer and meet provincial 4-H regulations. Chaperones must register through AssistExpo.
  24. PASSES: Registered participants and chaperones will receive an exhibitor wristband. Passes are not provided for parents or additional chaperones. Wristbands will be distributed at Registration. Each team is guaranteed ONE (1) trailer parking space on site and will be given their Trailer Parking Pass at the Security Checkpoint on Manitoba Drive upon arrival. Trailer arrival and departure times, as well as licence plate information, must be confirmed with the Agriculture Show Office as early as possible. Requests for an additional trailer parking space must be made to the
    Agriculture Show Office prior to the entry deadline.
  25. REGISTRATION: Registration will occur on Thursday, October 31, 2024. The time and location will be announced upon arrival. Each participant must be registered to compete. Participants must present the animal’s pedigree at registration for all calves entered in the purebred classes. Failure to do so could result in your calf being moved to the Commercial classes
  26. BEDDING & FEED: The RAWF has agreed to provide shavings for the Masterfeeds National Beef Heifer Show exhibitors with a bark base provided. Exhibitors are responsible for their own hay and feed requirements. Exhibitors are also responsible for their own grooming and clean up supplies. NO STRAW WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BARN.
  27. TIE OUTS: Tie Outs are only guaranteed for cattle entered in the open beef breed shows as the tie out fee is included in the open beef breed show entry fee. 4-H / AJRQ Groups travelling a distance that is greater than six (6) hours from Toronto may contact the Agriculture Show Office to request access to tie out space to accommodate their travels.
  28. The RAWF has banned the use of aerosol cans in the marshalling area of the Semex Ring of Excellence.
  29. The RAWF has banned the placing of heating elements and aerosol cans together in the same container/pail.
  30. Fire Marshal orders prohibit the stacking of feed and hay against the wall of the cattle barn. All feed and hay MUST be contained within the feed aisles between stalls. Fire Marshal orders also prohibits the stacking of hay, feed and clothing on or near (no closer then 1’) electrical panels. Electrical panels must remain clear at all times.
  31. CONDUCT: All exhibitors and chaperones are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful and lawful manner as indicated in the 4-H Canada Code of Conduct signed upon provincial registration with 4-H. Remember that you are representing your 4-H / AJRQ club, your Association/Province and the Masterfeeds National Junior Beef Heifer Show. Inappropriate conduct, including disrespect shown to any of the sponsors, will result in the committee disqualifying you from the 2024 show and future shows at their sole discretion.
  32. The Masterfeeds National Junior Beef Heifer Show Committee has the discretion to take appropriate action if anyone does not adhere to any of these rules. The decision of the committee is final.
  33. All entries must be made online at www.royalfair.org

Prize Money


Grand Champion Showperson$100
Reserve Champion Showperson$75
All Other Participants$15


Grand Champion Calf$100
Reserve Grand Champion Calf$75
Champion of each breed$75
Reserve Champion of each breed$50
All Other Participants$10

Special thanks to Tullamore Angus Farms for providing the following Prize Money in Conformation

Breed Champions - $500
Grand Champion Overall Heifer - $600
Reserve Grand Champion Overall Heifer - $400